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Flaws of Faith and Sin (S4 Challenge Continued)

Sins represent a lack of control. They occur without restraint and consideration of the world around us. At least, that's what life teaches us. Sins, like heavenly virtues, are defined with human intent. The greed for material or spiritual things, for instance, can lead to a gluttonous lifestyle until the host bursts from the excesses of their desire.

Life disguises sin initially as a virtue beneficial to humanity. Morality is in the eye of the beholder, especially when an individual or society blinds themselves to the truth.

Even after creation, in the garden of Eden, sin made its way into the heart of humanity. Is this genuinely evil or the presence of cold and calculating nature?

Eden - The Tree of Souls - V2.jpg
Deviant Art - Eden: The Tree of Souls - V2 by

We can protect ourselves, to a degree, from the world outside. Only self-control and will, however, are the only tools to protect us from ourselves. The voices in our heads can be very subtle. Sins of this world are mighty unless we can define how they affect us in this life. No matter the sin, however, we always seek to minimize it as an advantage. We rarely see that fine line between benefit and self-destruction.

Welcome to the Season 4 WOTW Challenge!


Season 4 Contestants

Image by Ian Wakefield from Pixabay

We can have 75 entries at this point, and we're still grading. It's been quite the enlightening challenge round. I don't think we've had this much activity in a contest before.

Check below if your article has been included in the contest. If you don't see your name, ask, and I'll check for it.


Entry 1.PNG
Entry 2.PNG
Entry 3.PNG


Challenge Rewards

Image by Mike Foster from Pixabay

1ST200 POB
2ND140 POB
3RD100 POB

The rewards are rich for this challenge round.

Join the contest before it's too late!

Thank you to everyone who participated so far!
Here are some rules to review for the contest.


Contest Rules

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Do not do these things
  • Plagiarism as specified by Plagiarism.org.
  • #POB-WOTW tag abuse (using the tag on non-related contest articles)
  • Trolling or spam.
  • Pretend to be different people and submit similar content articles using alt accounts.
  • Pick one of the seven deadly sins:
    • Write an article about something positive it has brought to humanity.
    • You may then discuss the darker side of that word.
  • Authors are allowed to submit more than one article for the challenge.
    • Each additional article must cover a different word.
  • Include the selected word in your article
  • More than one article submission per user is allowed:
    • Each additional article must address a separate word.
    • No exceptions.
  • Include the #pob-wotw tag (it's how we find your article)
  • Use any front end.
  • This week's contest starts 23/11/21 @ 00:00 UTC
  • This week's contest ends 05/12/21 @ 00:00 UTC


New to Hive?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Hive is a prominent place. I'm still learning my way around. The only communities or tribes I've engaged with personally here have been #theterminal, #stemgeeks, and the #proofofbrain community. If you're into finance, I don't know that there's a better group than #leofinance. Here are some articles that will aid you on your path here.


Sins and Salvation

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

We think sins can be a good thing and benefit humanity. In a way, that's correct until you consider that no one sin stands alone. The effects of the seven join together. They bring chaos to the lives of the ones embracing them and those affected by them. One sin might be greater than the others, but they all be there to support the chaos that unfolds.


In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thanks to the community for supporting our fellow authors. I look forward to providing more in the future. Thank you for reading and following on throughout my Hive journey.

Change has arrived with VYB.
Will things improve?
I believe it will for many users.

It will take sound leadership and
community engagement to make it work.

If you like this article, please consider
upvoting and following @scholaris!

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