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Cosmic body of ancient Alchemy

El Transparente, the cathedral of Toledo, Spain, 05/09/2019

At the first time looking at El Transparente as a whole, I recalled the ancient diagram of Taoist alchemy. The Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus in the lower part, the shining sun in the center, and the flame-like opening in the sky at the upper part seems to be associated with the oriental yoga system. Spirituality has no boudary regarding times and cultures. While studying the text of Kabbalism recently, I thought that the artist might create El Transparente with the philosophical basis of sephirotic diagram, Tree of Life.

The central Pillar should, in my opinion, be taken to represent consciousness, and the two side pillars as the positive and negative factors of manifestation. It is noteworthy that in the yoga system consciousness is extended when Kundalini rises through the central channel of the Shushumna, and that the Western magical operation of Rising on the Planes takes place up the Central Pillar of the Tree; that is to say, the symbolism employed to induce this extension of consciousness does not take the Sephiroth in their numerical order, commencing with Malkuth, but goes from Malkuth to Yesod and Yesod to Tiphareth, by what is called the Path of the Arrow. The Mystical Qabalah

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