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Q&A - The Myth Adofhaer Edition, Part 2 (D&D meta)

Hello, Everyone!

Hopefully, you've just had the opportunity to read the last chapter of the Myth Adofhaer arc of Mary Windfiddle's story! Now, before we move on to the next arc in her story, here are some questions I wanted to ask our DM.

If you want to read the first batch of questions (asked by the story's readers instead), you can click over here!

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Q & A

There were three plotlines converging into this arc (Dorina’s disappearance, the ghoul conspiracy, and Mary’s ancestry). How did you manage to keep them all in mind when DM-ing?

It was hard at times, especially because I was also seeding future adventures at the same time. There weren't too many characters involved perhaps, so it was reasonable. I also use World Anvil (not sponsored :D), which really helps.

In the beginning of this arc we got to meet Aurum’s parents. Did you talk with his player what they should be like, or were they entirely of your creation, the same way Mary’s parents were?

Nah, it was a spur of the moment thing. Aurum had just learned Alter Self and I thought we could have some cool shenanigans. Which we did. All I knew about them, was that they were circus performers and that they were not the best parents.

We met many different elves in Myth Adofhaer. However, they seem to have two things in common: their names are hard to pronounce, and they’re all assholes. Why do you hate their race so much?

They don't name themselves for the convenience of low-lifes.

Mell’s mind was blown when Tesaya told us about the elven souls being a finite number. That suddenly put everything in a different perspective. Was that bit of lore your own creation, or did it come from some other media?

I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Such an awesome idea is beyond me, I think.

How much of Dorina Dwendel’s fate was planned when she was introduced by her father all the way back at On the Road Again - Part 2? Was she going to play such a big role if we hadn’t shown interest in her?

I had a lord, who was traveling to the elves. I had a map which had to be given to the characters. Dorina was just backstory, an interesting detail in the world and a reason for what was happening. And then Mary had to make that promise, that she would find the girl. When a player/character points at something and yells "Plot!", you don't ignore them. Mary/Mell made her important.

Tell us more about the different magical items we saw during the Myth Adofhaer arc: Dorina’s stiletto, Kloth’s staff, Balaine’s bow? Are they standart D&D items or have you put your own twist on them?

I rarely use standard items nowadays. Usually for unimportant stuff, like for example Tesaya's Necklace of Prayer beads or a Bag of Holding. Characters with more oomph and power get the special treatment of homebrew items. Dorina's weapon and fighting style were inspired by a certain anime character and I find it fun when a player notices and reacts to it. Also fun when they don't know and think you're a genius.
Kloth's staff was reverse engineered. I had a great miniature to use for the character and it just so happened to be holding a staff of dragon bones. So I made it a part of the character design. Balaine's bow is an homage to Critical Role.

Why did you have to kill Mary’s parents? She’s so sad now! XD
In all seriousness, did you plan from the start that they were going to be dead? Or was there ever a scenario where we’d get to meet them in person and find out what happened for them to leave Mary?

I had planned the whole thing for a long time, since the beginning pretty much. I wanted to involve Mary with the villain, so one parent had to die for that. The other parent was going to help me tie Mary to Gillean in a deeper way. There was indeed a scenario where her parents would be alive, but she turned that deal down.

What did you think about Mary running away from her friends and the little PvP/skill challenge between her and Aurum? Did you expect it? Is that why you had Gillean take her away right at that moment?

I didn't expect it, no way I could. It was fun, but it added to the slog of the adventure. Things were going slow already and that didn't help. We learn always though. Gillean is becoming a mentor figure at this point and he simply fulfilled his role as such.

When Kloth gave the group the choice between fighting him and saving the elven girls and resurrecting Mary’s parents, what did you expect that they’d choose?

I don't think such things through on purpose. If I have expectations, they will likely influence the characters' decisions, by my demeanor or body language. I was completely on board with any decision they'd make.

What’s up with those sapphires and the dark-cloaked elves? Are they some sort of secret services, or is there something more ominous happening around them?

Yes and yes. Stick around and find out.

We are beginning to like Tesaya. She seems like a nice person, despite being an elf. Is she going to have a bigger role coming forward?

She was well received by the characters and players, so I think she'll make another appearance. It's also nice to explore the themes of the underdog who stays behind the curve because of moral dilemmas.

In this arc we find out that Mary’s real name is Meridia.
There’s no question here, I just want to thank you for thinking of that :)
It’s awesome to find out you’ve been thinking so in-depth about everything.

She was born in Myth Adofhaer. No way she'd be named "Mary". You're welcome :)

What was the hardest thing for you to plan/play during this arc? What was the easiest?

It was really hard to create a reasonable situation, which would be solvable by the characters, but not easily solved by the elves. Investigations can get contrived like that and if the players think the npcs should have been able to handle this themselves, suspension of disbelief is ruined.
Everything else was reasonably easy.

Was there anything that disappointed you? What gave you the most satisfaction?

I found the pacing of the adventure underwhelming. I didn't like it when the game felt like a slog, running from one npc to the next. I learned a great deal though.
It's always the reveals. Seeding and building up to something for literal months and then revealing the truth and seeing the reactions around the table is what gets me going.

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I hope you enjoyed the Q&A! See you next time, in the Map of Eastern Erathos for the story, or the new and improved Glossary, or, when time comes, the next episode of the story!

Take care and be well!

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide and the Glossary for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: These are my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum and Bruno) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.

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