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Canada is condemned in the world spotlight as dictator Trudeau continues to terrorize Freedom Convoy

Not 1 but 4 major European heads of state firmly rebuked Canada's Justin Trudeau at European Parliament this week! Hear all 4 short but fiery speeches in this post, and read how the globalists aren't finished bludgeoning the organizers of Freedom Convoy for daring to stand against Covid mandates!

Let's remember, Trudeau has already been firmly admonished by several world leaders, including those of nations normally considered quite oppressive, for his brutal physical and financial tactics against peaceful protesters. Now, a shocking round of high-profile speeches has rocked the EU Parliament:

German MEP Christine Anderson

Croatian MEP Kolakusic Mislav

Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes

German (Munich MP) Bernhard Zimniok

Unfazed, Trudeau and the Davos gang double down

Not satisfied to have assaulted, arrested, imprisoned without due process, financially terrorized, depersoned, cancelled, lied about, muzzled, banned from activism/politics, and red-zoned several organizers of Freedom Convoy, Trudeau and his henchmen are now piling on even more frivolous and persecutory charges.

Tamara Lich appears to be the main focus of the globalist's hatred. Her crimes? Counseling others (ie: truckers) to conduct mischief (ie: parking their trucks outside Parliament). She also set up the GoFundMe account, and the GiveSendGo account once that was shut down by Trudeau. So she helped organize donations send by tens of thousands of Canadians, getting it to the truckers to pay for their fuel and other costs. For that, she has lost many of her rights, been physically and emotionally abused, dragged through the mud in the Liberal-owned media, and given a criminal record for peaceful protest. Now, as she licks her wounds, they launch a new round of legal assaults on Tamara and anyone else who helped Freedom Convoy?!

Canada declares freedom a national security threat

Just to be even more bizarre, tyrannical, evil, and ridiculous, Canada's secret agencies have announced they consider Freedom Convoy to be a threat to Canada. They can't say why, citing national security interests, but hint it has something to do with the duration of the protest. If it had been gone after the first day, it wouldn't have been considered a threat. But protesting for a long time is now classified as extremism and/or terrorism.

With behaviour like this, Canada is solidifying its position as the laughing stock of the world. Thanks to Trudeau, Freeland, Henry, Tam, Duclos, and other globalist puppets, we are now considered one of the most backwards, oppressive, and dictatorial regimes the world has ever seen.

How can freedom be wrong? How can peaceful protest be stifled? How can love for country and countrymen be evil? How can liberty be a bad choice? How can violence, tyranny, censorship, and coercion be the way?

Thank you to the leaders of European and middle Eastern countries, who have witnessed true totalitarianism and oppression in their history, and are speaking out as it rises again today in Canada. It is truly remarkable to hear foreign statemen suggest that Canada's allies may need to come to our rescue, if our corrupt leaders continue to terrorize peaceful people! The whole world is joining Freedom Convoy and opposing Justin Trudeau and the globalists!


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