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Cryptobrewmaster. Malt House



Today is raining here, so I decided to stay at home. And it is a great chance to try renting another building in Cryptobrewmaster game.

Today I will rent a Malt House.

What is Malt House

Malt House is a place where you can produce different types of malts, i.e. 3 types of malts.

2 Row Barley Malt, 6 Row Barley Malt, Wheat Malt.


Of course, producing each type of malt requires different ingredients and energy. Producing time is different as well.




I started with the middle one!


How much is a rental fee

I think that screenshot will answer that question.


Production cost

First of all, let's check the cost of each required ingredient.

Ingredients Price

Water - around 1.13 CBM


2 Row Barley - around 1 CBM


6 Row Barley - around 1.1 CBM

Wheat - around 1.0 CBM


As you can see, to produce 1 malt of any type we need around 2.3 CBM.

What is ROI?

Before calculating the ROI, let's check the current price of each Malt.

Also, we should take into account the restore fee.

Malt Price

2 Row Barley Malt - around 7.5 CBM


6 Row Barley Malt - around 7.3 CBM


Wheat Malt - around 2.4 CBM


The most expensive Malt today is 2 Row Barley Malt, but 6 Row Barley Malt has almost the same price. So, it is obvious that is more efficient to produce one of these 2 malt types.

When we sell ingredients on the Market we pay a 5% commission. With the current Malt price, the commission will be around 0.4 CBM per sale. Therefore, we will receive around 7 CBM from each sale.

Now, if we deduct the ingredients costs from the selling price and we will get around 4.5 CBM. Our revenue is 4.5 CBM.

And with the rental fee of 17.7 CBM, we need to produce and sell at least 4 malts. Production of each malt longs max 3 hours, i.e you can make 7-8 malts per 24 hours.


Renting a Malting house is profitable if you don't have much time, but you can check the game every 2-3 hours. Also, if you are sure that you can do it at least 4 times a day.

Also, the difference between 1-day rent and 3-days rent is not so big, so I don't really see the point to rent the house for 3 days. But when you rent it for 7 days, you can save 7.2 CBM, a cost of 1 malt.

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Good luck! Have a nice day!

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The post was published via @Ecency. Ecency is one of the best communities and posting platforms on Hive Blockchain!


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