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Do you know about this fruit called soursop? Do you know that both the fruit and the leaves are useful to man? Find out why

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Soursop can otherwise be called graviola. This is the fruits of Annona muricata. This type of tree is native to tropical regions of the Americas.It is a prickly green fruit that has a creamy texture and a strong flavour that is most times compared to a strawberry or pineapple. It has numerous health benefits that are useful to man."Health they say is wealth" and so the human body should not be toiled with as once the human system collapses ,every other thing will be on a stand still.

Health benefits of soursop fruits and it leaves

Some of the health benefits of soursop to the human body are:

  • For treatment of inflammation

  • Soursop leaves helps to boost low sperm count, the quality of sperm and also helps in the production of healthy sperm

  • It is used in the treatment of chronic diseases like kidney disease, hypertension, rheumatism and gout

  • It helps in muscle functioning

  • It is useful in the regulation and control of blood sugar

  • It helps to boost the immune system bin humans

  • It contributes to the levels of energy in the body

  • It helps to fight off bacteria infection

  • It serves as an antioxidant properties

  • It helps to control parasites

  • The daily cup intake of soursop leaves tea also helps in weight loss

  • Both the soursop fruit and the leaves helps to treat some skin diseases like eczema

  • It helps in the treatment of fertility problems in both the male and female

  • It helps in the treatment of fibroid treatment.

  • It is also use for the prevention of pregnancy

  • It can be used to treat constipation

How often Are you to drink soursop tea?

Drinking a cup of soursop leaves tea daily for 7 days is ok, and allowing weeks to pass before retaking makes it moderate.


Your health is more important and so pay proper attention your health and tackle issues immediately you observe it in order to stay alive. Thank you for reading through.

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