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Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust (OG)

I came inside my wife, impregnating her, and then headed to work skipping breakfast.
GloboHomo wanted to keep REAL MEN weak. Their main source of poison was in our delicious American food. It was called High Fructose Corn Syrup and everything was full of it. It was the kind of stuff you gave to cattle to fatten them up, and in a way I guess us Goyim were cattle in their eyes. They wanted to fatten us up so we couldn't fight back, so we would become depressed due to biological metabolic imbalances, and of course to fatten the kids up for rape in their Judeo-Cult blood drinking rituals. The fatter the child, the more blood that could be sucked.
I skipped breakfast to strengthen myself, or more so I belayed my breakfast until the afternoon, it was a sneaky way to sneak in a sneaky mini-fast, giving my metabolism a potent boost. Steinbergoldsilverstein wasn't going to beat me. I trained everyday to win, in everything I did, and that started everyday from the moment I would come inside my wife, shooting my seed like I was cornered by the anti-christ himself. 100 press-ups for breakfast, and for dessert, pull-ups. Bonnie Tyler once wrote a song about me, the street wise Hercules.


I picked Detective Blackman up on my way to work. Carpooling was a super cool thing to do for the environment. Big Judeo-Corp hated environmentalism. They used their Jewish subversion powers to subvert it with their lies. They used the fake science called "climate change". Climate change is just a smokescreen to allow Big Judeo-Corp to keep polluting and destroying the environment by pretending that the most important thing was to pay taxes to Big Judeo-Government with the Judeo-trick of them promising to control the weather. It was all nonsense the climate change bullshit, and all their claims easily destroyed by examining the data. The Big Jude-Corporate Media claimed decades ago about global freezing, now it was global warming, and they were close to switching back to global freezing. Utter bullshit to shove environmentalism under the rug.

"So that's the reason for the crosses?" Detective Blackman asked.
"Yeah" I coolly said as I explained how they don't even use the multiplication sign in Israel, and how the term Kike comes from kikel which means circle, as the Jews were unable to fill out forms with crosses, so they used circles.
"It's one of the many reasons they want to destroy the churches, and even now are becoming more vocal about banning the cross as a hate symbol"
"Wow!" Detective Blackman said, taken aback by all the knowledge he was taking in, squeezing the silver cross I had given him for comfort.
He would need it if he was going to survive this holy war.


When we got to the office I introduced him to the team.
"This is Moham Radar, he's Muslim and has the ability to communicate with rocks and trees. They tell him if any Jews are nearby."
"Wow! That's amazing!" Detective Blackman exclaimed.
"This is Chet Einstein, our science man"
"Isn't he a Jew?"
"He's an atheist Jew, so he's not part of GloboHomo. Truthfully though the main war going on is between the GloboHomo Jews and the Nationalist Jews, that's why they don't see us as a threat. Our goal though is to break the endless cycle and create a world free from Jewish control. Chet's cool but he will only point out that there are bad people at the top, but his Jewish nature prevents him from ever naming the Jew."
Detective Blackman watched as Chet Einstein looked at a slide which projected an image onto a wall.


"What do you see Chet?"
"Bad people at the top, corruption, nepotism, etc" he replied before burying his head into a textbook.
"See... even with the evidence right in front of him he can't name them. It is just how they evolved their group strategy for survival, something about their genetics and a fear of Shoahs around every corner which ironically create the Shoahs. But it's the Talmudic teachings that turn them into creaturas of the night, making them feed on Christian children and afraid of the cross. Chet can come and go as he pleases into our office beneath this church, but if he wasn't a Jewish atheist he would have to ask permission to enter, and then withstand the crosses."
Detective Blackman reached over to rub Chet's hair.
"No! Don't do that! You don't want to mess with an atheist Jew, I made the same mistake..."
Detective Blackman pulled his hand back, barely avoiding an overbearing emotional outburst about the Holocaust from Chet, as he asked "Who is that babe in the corner? I'm getting a chubby!"
I almost burst out laughing, I could hear Chet and Radar chuckling at their desks.
"Oh! That's Troon, our master of disguise..."
"Hey Sweaty!" Troon said as he approached Detective Blackman before grabbing his now visibly erect trouser snake.
BAM! Detective Blackman punched Troon right in the face when he noticed the stubble.
"So now that you've met the team let's get to business!"

I explained to him how our small operation against the anti-christ, against GloboHomo worked. The goal of the anti-christ was GLOBalized HOMOgenization of the world, hence the term GloboHomo. I gave him a quick rundown on the sneaky Judeo-tricks they used to flatten culture and destroy diversity through destructive mechanisms which they sneakily named things like "Diversity", "Multiculturalism", etc, as well as the Golems they had been building to enforce their New GloboHomo Order.
"Wow! All communism is Judeo-Communism? The slave trade was the Judeo-Transatlantic slave trade? The old friends of the CCP are the Steinbergoldsilversteins? How come I didn't know any of this?"
"Judeo-media... what most people don't realise is that we haven't just entered into the world of 1984. It's been 1984 since 1904. Everything you are taught is to purposefully craft you into an unquestioning GloboHomo ZOGBot. And they are getting close to their endgame, exporting their Golems across the globe at a rapid pace. It's up to you and I Detective Blackman to save the world! Now let's go down to the border and shoot some Rapefugees!"


We spent the afternoon doing target practice on Rapefugees trying to illegally come into my country.
I quickly began to admire Detective Blackman. He preferred to use sub machine guns spraying the illegals full of holes, pump action shotguns blowing them to bits, and to throw grenades while shouting "Merry Christmas!", claiming it was a line from American Ninja 2. I would have to rewatch to confirm his claim. I didn't remember it being a Christmas film, but Detective Blackman insisted, and what was partnership without trust?

As we headed back to the big city, we stopped at McBurgers and had a real American lunch. My gosh I was so famished, but those American burgers and American French fries did the trick, restoring my White Power. I could tell that with my White Power and Detective Blackman's Black Power we would be an unstoppable force against Big Judeo.

"I have an idea! Let's go to the Sin-agogue, show you what we are up against"
"Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Detective Blackman asked.
"Don't worry, Troon left us some disguises in the trunk."

We parked down the street from the Sin-agogue. I could feel the hairs lifting on my back. Sweat slowly dripping down out of every pore. Going into the hellmouth was never easy, but I had to show Detective Blackman. He had to know the truth. I radioed Radio, and asked for a reading on our place. The nearby rocks and trees told him that there was a high density of Jews nearby, but none within our vicinity. The coast was clear.
"Here, put this on."
We put on silly wigs with Judeo-curly hair, and small hats and other traditional Judeo-garb.
"And cover yourself in this so they can't smell us."
"Is that Child's blood?"
"No it's from a chicken filled with the sin of a Jewish man."
"Don't ask..." there was no time to explain Jewish sin transference.

After attaching fake prosthetic noses, we were good to go.
"Remember if anyone asks you are from Eritrea."
We slowly made our way into the Sin-agogue. The sins were already in session. We passed by several of them, saying "Moshe moshe" to anyone who looked at us, before squeezing ourselves into the back.
"Remember this is just reconnaissance, the shotguns are for worst case scenario" I whispered.
My eyes widened in terror as I saw Grand Rabbi Foreskin at the pew. Fuck! If anyone was going to spot us, it would be him, I had had altercations with him in the past, but the bastard always got away. I could feel my Goyim sweat dripping through my disguise. The chicken blood wouldn't cover us for long.

The Rabbi was in mid speech proclaiming their world domination plan and control over the USA "The homogenity of Europeans is fundamentally against the interests of the Jewish people. We are at a critical turning point in history. The West is becoming more and more racially diverse, and soon the White Race will be forced into submission. The future of the West is that of an ethnically diverse melting pot, where the evil divisions of race and white supremacy no longer reign. This is all thanks to the tremendous power of our social movements and institutions. The great change will be catalyzed by Muslim settlement. From the land of Israel, Jews will forever be a light unto the new monoracial world as guaranteed by G-d."
Rabbi Foreskin began to sniff at the air, like a dog who caught the scent of a cat.
"Shit, we better scram"
As we squeezed past the Judeo-horde Rabbi Foreskin shouted "I smell the blood of Goyim!"
They all turned to look at us as we reached the door.
"You'll never get my foreskin!" I shouted back, as Detective Blackman and I cheesed it towards my car.
The Judeo-horde gave chase, kvetching every step of the way. We sped off driving through the crowd of angry Jews, tiny hats flying everywhere. It was bumpy, but a few managed to grab a hold of the vehicle. I activated the window wipers, spraying them with Holy water, before leaving them in the dust.
"Phew! That was a close one!" Detective Blackman sighed.
"You're telling me" I said, heart sill racing.
We had barely escaped.


It was time to head back to the base, but on the way we got a call from our team. There was a strange anomalous signal coming from a nearby Doctor's office.
"Hmmm, seems weird but we better check it out. Better gear up as well just in case..."
We arrived outside the Doctor's surgery. It seemed normal other than the vomit inducing amount of GloboHomo rainbow flags hanging from the windows.
We entered the building and were stopped by reception.
"Excuse me! Excuse me! Do you have an appointment?"
We ignored the receptionist.
"Look at this!" Detective Blackman shouted as he passed me a health leaflet.
It was aimed at kids. Telling them that they were actually in the wrong body and needed to have their dicks cut off. Big-Judeo collected the foreskin of the Goyim for reasons yet to be clarified, but because they were near their end game they had stepped up to collecting full penises. In the Bible foreskins were collected to show how many of the enemy you had slain in battle, perhaps Big Judeo was trying to appease whatever devil it was they worshiped, tricking it into thinking they were killing loads of Goyim to gain favour while simultaneously still getting to rule over the Goyim. Who knows what their reason was.... but whatever it was... it wasn't good.
Detective Blackman grabbed the recpetionist by the scruff of her neck as he said "What sort of sick sideshow are you running here?"
"It's for the good of the kids" she proclaimed.
She tried to hit the alarm button and call security, but Detective Blackman grabbed her arm and lifted her up, throwing her into a vending machine. She smashed through the glass and all sorts of High Fructose Corn Syrup drinks fell out.
"Merry Christmas!"

I called the base and told them what we had uncovered. Radar told us that the strange anomalous signal was coming from the second floor, east wing.
"Lock and load!"
We both pumped our shotguns to show how serious we were.
"Don't move" Detective Blackman said to the unconscious receptionist.

We used the emergency stairwell and made our way up two flights of stairs.
"I got a baaaaaaad feeling about this" Detective Blackman said gripping his 12 gauge.
When we got to the second floor, we saw that the east wing was Pediatrics. There was blood everywhere, covering the walls, the ceiling, the empty beds.
"Child's blood?" Detective Blackman asked for the second time today.
Thankfully it was just chicken blood. The blood splatter indicated that there had been many sin transferances in this ward.
"What are you two doing here?" a slimy looking man said, stepping out from behind a curtain.
We pointed our shotguns at him. He looked European, but something just wasn't right about his facial appearance.
"Oh this?" he said looking at the blood "Don't worry about that, we had a blood bag leak" he said smiling.
His smile was faker than the Holocaust.
He approached us with one hand behind his back, attempting to Chloroform us both. I slammed the butt of my shotgun into his face. His fake nose fell off, leaving a gap in his face.
"You'll pay for that!" he screamed as he jumped onto the ceiling and hung there like a spider.
"The cross! Now!"
We got out our crosses and held them up to him. The Judeo-Pediatrician recolied in horror, falling from the ceiling and onto his back, rolling around like a bug.
"The power of Christ compels you!" I said holding the cross against his face.
He screamed and shrieked as an evil spirit left his body, before finally collapsing
"Is he dead?" Detective Blackman asked.
"No, he'll come to in several hours, having forgotten all the evil deeds he was up to. Maybe even return to a normal life, if the Talmud doesn't infect him again that is."
I jumped back away from the curtain from which the Judeo-Pediatrician came from. There was something behing the curtain. Something big and unholy.
"Shit! Come out with your hands up!" I demanded.
I gave the signal to Detective Blackman to pull back the curtain as I aimed my shotgun.
"What the hell?!" Detective Blackman shouted as he jumped back.
Behind the curtain was a giant foreskin monster, formed out of the flesh of hundreds of thousands of foreskins.
I could tell it was looking at us, despite having no eyes, and that it could smell us, or at least our foreskins. It wanted to consume us and make our foreskins part of it.
We began blasting it with our shotguns as it approched, knocking over everything in its path. The shotguns were not effective. Its fleshy mound was a bullet sponge.
I grabbed my silver cross necklace and heard Jesus whisper one word into my ear "Run!"


Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World

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