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Deeper Into Mystery – part 2/7(D&D story)

Hello, Everyone!

Last time, Mary came back to her friends after running away and having a chat with her Patron. She apologized for her behaviour and Bruno waved it off almost instantly, making her promise that she was going to trust them more in the future. Aurum, however, didn’t look very satisfied with her apology and went away, breaking poor Mary’s heart.

In all that commotion, have they forgotten their original investigation? Let’s read and see!


When Aurum and Tesaya came back with a couple of rabbits for dinner, Mary and Bruno had already lit the fire in the backyard. They were sitting around it, each in their own comfortable silence. When Mary saw Aurum's expressionless face, her smile darkened, but she tried to keep her head up.

They cooked the rabbits and talked about what they were going to do now. Bruno mentioned the Dwendels again. He said that if Dorina was posessed or brainwashed six years ago, her family would surely have seen her act strangely. Tesaya was once again reluctant to go talk to the family.

"There is also the Archive," she said. "I talked to one of my friends, he works there. He'll give us special access this evening, after hours."

“With no supervision?" Mary asked hopefully.

"No, he'll be there. But it'd be a chance to gather information about this Halas person you wanted to know more about."

Mary's heart fluttered. Was she going to finally know more about her father?

Ultimately, they decided to go to the Archives. Mary listed all the things she wanted to know more about – not just for their mission, but also 'just because'. There was Halas, yes, but there was also the name 'Olivia', and the dark elves. Plus, Mary really wanted to know what the elves had on Gillean and Francesca Findabair.

"Hah!" Tesaya laughed. "You won't find anything nice about her here, you know that, right?"


"Well, you told me how Tiriel Elaire reacted when you mentioned her name in the Council. There might be a history there."

"Well, I’ll try to find some stuff anyway."

Tesaya shrugged. "Suit yourself."


It was almost dark when the group went to Tesaya’s friend. He was dressed and ready to go out, and led them straight to the Archives.

"So, what do you need this time?" he asked.

"We happened upon the name 'Olivia' during our investigations," Tesaya said. "And also," she briefly glanced at Mary, "we want the file for a human named 'Halas'. We have the suspicion that he might be involved in the case."

Mary bit her lips. She didn't think Tesaya was going to be so direct, and was certainly not expecting her father to be mentioned in relation to the kidnappings.

Her gut reaction was to get anxious. Did Tesaya think Halas was guilty in some way? Mary forced herself to calm down. Just mentioning him didn't mean anything. Maybe Tesaya didn't think the guard would give them the file if it wasn't connected to their current investigation.

"The name Olivia will take some time," the archivist said when he came back a few minutes later, carrying a thin folder with the name "Halas an Terros" written in cursive on the top.

"No problem, we can wait," Tesaya said and he went away.

Mary stared at the file on the table. She didn't dare breathe, so huge were her fear and her hope. She looked at her friends for reassurance.

"Go on," Bruno said.

With shaking hands, she opened the folder and started reading. The room fell silent.

"I know his full name!" Mary exclaimed after a couple of moments. Her eyes were shining. "And the names of his parents! I know when he was born!"

Half a paragraph later, she gasped.

"I… I know my mother's name! She was from Pamagos!"

She mouthed a word she'd just read and raised her eyes in astonishment and delight.

"Meridia. That's my real name! I'm Meridia an Halas!"

~ ~ ~

"Halas an Terros. Son of Terros an Vitre and Falka ‘The Whirlwind’. Born 10.03.1167, died 19.01.1200. Human. Height 6', reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, medium build. Left in the care of Myth Adofhaer after his parents' passing. Regrettably, he never exhibited their talents.

Married on 28.08.1197 to Dalia Reed* from Pamagos (missing since 30.11.1199). Daughter Meridia an Halas (missing since 19.01.1200).

The circumstances surrounding his death are still unclear. On the day of his passing he visited the Archive. According to witness testimonies, when he left, he was visibly shaken.

Attempt at revivification unsuccessful. Attempt at conversing with his remains – denied. His body was laid in Falka's Mausoleum."

*According to unofficial records, Dalia Reed is one of Maquiel Prouvier's first victims from the autumn of 1199. Disappeared on 30.11.1199. Wasn't mentioned in the official report because she didn't match the typical victim profile."

~ ~ ~

"Bruno?" Mary raised her head. "Can you commune with the dead?"

"Yes, I guess. Ord will guide me if I decide to try."

"Good. We might need to talk to Halas' spirit."


"Because he was connected to the kidnappings, after all," Mary glanced at Tesaya who was fiddling with her amulet, looking nervous. "My mother was one of the two human victims from 18 years ago. My father, he uncovered something in the Archives. I need to find out what it was. Tesaya?" The elven woman looked at her. "Do you know where Falka’s Mausoleum is?"

"Yes. But it won't be easy to get access to such a place."

"We don't need to get access. We can sneak in."

Mary's eyes were burning. She was so close to all the answers to her heritage, that she didn't want to stop at anything to get them.

"Or," Bruno suggested calmly," we can just ask? You're Halas' daughter after all."

"Oh, yes. Right."

Mary's cheeks flushed red. She might have gotten a bit carried away with the 'breaking and entering' stuff.

"Are you sure you want to announce yourself as Halas' kin?" Tesaya said.

Mary hesitated. Right then, Tesaya’s friend came with a bunch of folders.

"Here they are. All the Olivia-s from the last hundred or so years. You're lucky the name's not very common."

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Oh! My! How cool was that reveal, eh? Mary finally knows her real name and birth parents! Isn’t that exciting??? I was so nervous getting that information! The hesitation and the shaking hands were me looking at the actual file on our DM’s computer. He let me read it, the same way Mary did. It was really amazing!

It’s also sad :-( Mary was hoping that her mother might be alive but it seems that she was one of the first kidnap victims.

Anyway. See you in the next episode, when we’ll find out about all the Olivias in Myth Adofhaer and whether they might be connected to the case at all.

See you then!
Take care and be well!

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide and the Glossary for the series. You're welcome!)

An important disclaimer: These are my notes from a D&D game turned into a narrative. All the worldbuilding and NPC encounters belong to our DM, and all the actions of the other main characters (Aurum and Bruno) belong to my co-players. My contribution to the story is only everything Mary-related (actions, reactions, inner thoughts), as well as the writing itself.

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