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PDX Antifa vs Patriots Day. The Info Girls - Queen Capitalist - Rebecca Wright - Savannah - Mahgdalen Rose. BLOCKED by The Player & The Fan on Twitter. Was reviewing March of 2016. Was watching the patriot rally on YouTube. Watched some film theories on Star Wars 9. Ate some cake & ice-cream. Watered gardens. I wrote about Nick.


The Player & The Fan @theplayerthefan called me a bad speller and blocked me on Twitter.

2019-08-17 - Saturday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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News Wars

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2019-08-17 - Saturday - PST - Daily journal:

Dorkly Kindness Mario Video. Info Girls.


02:12 AM - Steemit

Teamwork. Similar to what happens in the stomach.

Pastor Sam

02:17 AM - IWA

There are different definitions to what pastor means like @Memeart said. Beyond that, people can fall for fake news. People say Alex Jones is fake because he is an actor. Are you going to fall for the fake news about Alex and about Pastor Sam? If you're choosing the latter, then you are the kind of person that the two Google Whistle Blowers mentioned on Friday's show, the 16th of August of 2019. @Pippydop, why do you hate Jesus so much? @Pippydop, why do you hate free markets so much? Why do you hate money, donations, fundraisers, so much? @Pippydop, why do you hate freewill, choices, decisions, so much? Did Sam steal money or did people give Sam money? Alex Jones talks about how there is a war on words. This is an example of how the war works. @Pippydop is lost in this war. Sadly, she may not even know that she is involved in that war. Alex talks about it all the time. This is a big personification of what they try to do to language and to the world in general. If you have not met him in person, then you are bowing to hearsay, possibly, potentially, indirectly, allegedly.

Cop: You're going to jail.
Homeless Man: Why?
Cop: Because that guy gave you money.
Homeless Guy: So?
Cop: That guy is a criminal.
Homeless Guy: So?
Cop: Sorry. You do not have freedom.

Cop: You're going to jail.
Pastor Sam: Why?
Cop: People gave you money.
Pastor Sam: So?
Cop: You're not a pastor. So, you can't have money.
Pastor: Are you violating the 4th amendment?
Cop: The 4th what? Huh? What the Hell are you talking about....
Pastor: See, let me tell you....
Cop: Shut up......
Pastor: But am I not helping people?
Cop: Sorry, I'm just an NPC. I have no idea really.

@Pippydop, I have talked to Sam. I know Sam. It seems that you have not. Sam has a nickname that people gave him. People began calling him Pastor Sam. It seems that you know half of the story and yet missed the point of the story he tells people about how he is not officially a pastor any more than Trump is a politician. Sam tells people to call him Brother Sam. Sam can call himself a pastor. There are different definitions to words. Sam is a pastor. But more importantly, Sam did not name himself. That's fake news. Sam helps people and people like Sam. It is that simple. So, people began calling Sam by a new name, a nickname. So, Sam tries to tell everybody this. So, you seem not to be listening, which makes me wonder what else you are not hearing or what else you might be misunderstanding. People donated money to Sam. People are angry and stuff. People have problems. People blame their problems on other people. So, people blame stuff on Sam because they don't want to look in the mirror. That's psychology. Sam does help people like I help people. Sam did not name himself. Please take the time to listen to people when they talk.

I gave money to a con artist. Can I get my money back? I did nothing wrong. I am not stupid. Don't blame me. I throw money at people without using my brain. I don't have time to do my homework and investigate who I give money to. I see an infomercial and they say call right now. I do it. A Nigerian Prince emailed me. So, I sent him $5,000. Then he said that he is just a gay frog. Wait, can I get my money back? I thought he was a prince. Oh, he said, "Kiss me and I will become a prince." I kissed him and I turned into original oatmeal, which is worse than autism on drugs.

You have no idea what a nickname. You must be too old.

You do not know if he is a pastor or not. He could say he is NOT a pastor and yet he still might be a pastor.

Everything you are saying is alleged, hearsay.

The law says it is hearsay. It is alleged.

It is funny that we have no evidence and yet, guilty before proven innocent.

People donate money to me. Please throw me in jail.

Please do not go to the police when people steal from you.

@Pippydop, can you not think? You are not thinking. Go back to watching CNN.

This is why I write short sentences, I mean COMMENTS. If you scroll up, you see bigger comments I wrote to @Pippydop. But she ignored them. I write a lot. People don't read it. I told her the inside baseball on Pastor Sam. She ignored it. She continues with her rhetoric Orange Man Bad, I mean, Pastor Sam is Not Sam, I mean not a pastor because he says he is and is not a pastor. I say that I am and am not oatmeal. Oh my God, throw me in jail. I told you what happened. He is not a pastor in a way and yet he is a pastor in another way. People gave him that nickname and yet it became his persona perhaps. There are several different levels to it. Very complex. Multi-layered. So, it might be going above your head. Because we are talking about several different things at the same time. So, maybe your IQ is too low to get it all. So, here I am writing a big comment. But you can ignore this. Pretend I didn't say anything and continue talking as if I didn't already answer your questions. Live in your fantasy land like leftists do.

@Memeart, you said Sam is being deceitful. But what is the evidence to support that claim, that allegation that is based on hearsay, slander, assumptions, and rumors?

Expanding America

02:27 AM - IWA

Hong Kong & Greenland needs to become new states of the United States of America (USA), ASAP.


03:00 AM - 06:40 AM


06:54 AM - Parents celebrate as their daughter wins like American Idol. This was on television. They showed a flashback of when the parent's son was like a Satanist and he was in a video where he slits his own throat while listening to heavy metal music and while screaming things I could not understand and eventualy beheads himself slowly whiling cutting with some kind of big knife, sword, saw, or something. He embraced the pain and at the end as blood came out, he pushed and snapped his head off. Back to the present, his parents celebrate as their daughter wins a singing competition like American Idol or something. They embrace. I probably had other dreams too including jumping off an airplane and my parachute wasn't working or I was scared to test it until 100 feet from the ground and then I pulled it. but only part of of the parachute opened and I only slowed down a bit and I ran right into ground orwhatever I landed on and survived. Was just banged up but recovered. I had that dream before the dream of the man, the son, killing himself. Had another dream around 10 AM concerning going with my aunt to the coast and I was excited and a bit concern as time was short.

Info Girls

07:01 AM - YouTube

The Info Girls - Queen Capitalist - Rebecca Wright - Savannah - Mahgdalen Rose.

Thanks for joining the Info War Room, girls.


07:14 AM - Twitter


You retweeted a video by Terrence Williams.

The Twitter Strikes Back.

But it's much worse than many people know.

Much worse than that.


07:20 AM - Twitter

Dear Trump,

Kids get cancer.


Near 5G cell phone towers.

So, why not fiber optics instead?

Why not alternative WIFI solutions?


07:23 AM - Steemit - Health

Almost like a decentralized cow or I wonder if the stomach is like that where bacteria digests things to help the body take it in, in a similar fashion. Thanks.

Your Identity

07:37 AM - IWA

People are able to find people. That's fine for me because I'm a public figure. But if you're trying to hide your identity, then the more you share, the more vulnerable you become.

The Info War Room Girls Show

07:40 AM - Savannah and the new girl hosted the War Room on Friday, the 16th of August of 2019. Beautiful. They interviewed a girl who talked about Tulsi Gabbard.

Also, Boycott Mulan trended on Twitter as the new Mulan actress spoke up against Hong Kong. What an evil actress for siding with evil China.

Expanding America

07:45 AM - IWA

Also, Hong Kong and South Vietnam.

Instead of having troops all around the world, we should simply have a few new states all around the world. Put the troops inside the new states to satisfy the neocon war lovers and patriots, hitting two birds with one stone.



10:11 AM - Steemit

What do you think about Substratum?

Ham Radio

10:17 AM - Steemit

My older brother did his senior project back when he was graduating high school in 2000 on Ham radio and I should probably learn it too. Welcome to Steemit. Oh, I wonder if Ham radio could possibly transmit the Internet, files, and not only audio.

Pastor Sam

10:23 AM - IWA

Is an assistant pastor a pastor? If so, then what is an assistant pastor? Is a deacon an assistant pastor? Can a pastor also teach Sunday School? If so, you could call that pastor a teacher as well, right?


10:27 AM - IWA

If I was trying to be private, I would lie about everything in order to make sure nobody could put the pieces together. I would even claim to be the opposite gender. But before doing so, I would make sure I changed my DNS, I would use encryption and hide behind proxies, and possibly a few other things as well.

Stefan Molyneux publishes videos on YouTube where he talks to individuals for a few hours per video via the phone. So, you may not see them, but you hear them talk about their lives. So, Stefan encourages them not to talk about where they lived. So, that may slow down the discovery process in making it harder for people to find them. However, it is just a question of how hard. Not impossible. But sure, it probably stops 99% of it or 99% of the people, generally speaking just like gun free zones stops the good people from having guns. But it is still dangerous to go public while not going public. For example, the guy goes public on Project Veritas but blurs out his face and voice in June 2019 as a Google Whistle Blower. And yet Google found him. So, it is like the gun debate. Trying to hide on the Internet is like trying to hide in a Gun Free Zone. Being a private person on the Internet is the same as being in a Gun Free Zone with no gun.

I'm gonna always smell so good after I eat this. Girl eats deodorant.

Queen Capitalist

10:43 AM - IWA - Twitter

We all would love it if you were the lead host of Info Girls or whatever you want to call a possible 4th main show for Info wwwwars. Good work on Friday's War Room. Another possible show they may do is Fire Power with Will. Another one might be one focused on the callers.....

Trusting People

11:02 AM - IWA

It would be deceptive not to do that. You probably believe in Russia Collusion as well because that follows the same kind of logic. You are stuck like an NPC with thinking the exact way they want you to think. You probably have no idea that they got you to think what you're thinking. It is a bias. It is more than a bias. We all have biases. But they work hard to shape our biases. We are taught in main stream EDUCATION growing up to have a certain kind of perspective on things, which includes things like this. So, you are missing the point. Your judgement is cloudy and distracted. You might actually be more deceptive by being either purposely misleading or simply ignorant of the whole story and of how things work. Some of these includes incomplete versions of philosophy which has you by the balls. That's too bad. It demented you. So, you're lost in the woods. Stefan Molyneux would tell you why and HOW you got that way. First, you would need to tell him what happened to you during your childhood. We all got these stories. Most likely, you have problems trusting people. Well, technically, even that is an over-generalization as we all struggle with that, actually. But regardless, that is one of the factors.

Meme Art left the building. Very blind. Very ignorant. I say a bunch of things. Over your head. Anthropology.

PDX Patrios vs Antifa

11:24 AM - YouTube - IWA - BLOCKED by The Player & The Fan on Twitter

Unicorn Riot

Patriot News

Pete Santilli1


Unicorn interviewed.

Unite America First - Will Johnson Live Stream

What are the main goals of the French Underground?

@AtypicalRift, wait a minute, isn't that what the British do?

NBC has more dislikes than likes on their fake news stream of this.

The JB Gunner Show

Trumpet News

Blazing Press

Why don't Trump Rallies have as many voting registration tables like leftists do? Some people report that they're not seeing any tables at Trump Rallies.

Antifa was beating up a weak guy.

Looks like Portland hasn't changed much since 2011.

Helping People

01:50 PM - IWA

So, helping people is bad? So, you love CPS, then?


04:46 PM - IWA - WHat do you do all day, Joey?

I jump on turtles and save princesses.


05:22 PM - IWA

Joe Biggs on the Hawthrone Bridge. I used to ride my bike on that bridge a lot. It's hard not to feel personal about PDX.

Lies of the Past

08:24 PM - YouTube

I'm watching Red Letter Media review a western movie, Bone Tomahawk from 2015. Generally, people say the past was more violent and worse. Howeverm in some ways, that is deceptive as it distracts rom how the world has becoming more subtle in evil and in problems and many different things. In other words, the world has been getting more extreme the past few centuries in being more good and more bad at the same time.

Austin Texas

08:43 PM - IWA

Back in like 2008, I met a homeless hippie player man in PDX who was from Austin, Texas, and this was before I knew about Alex Jones. So, that guy, Nick, was the first guy to ever tell me about a little city named Austin.

At the time, I didn't realize how progressive Nick was. I can't remember his exact views on Austin. He probably had mixed feelings about Austin. He would talk about getting communities to own things together, to help each other out, and all of these different ideas which are nice. Yet, those things were potential elements of like communism, socialism, ultimately speaking. He would talk about how great hostels were. So, we would go to hostels and get free food. They let people come and eat in Portland, Oregon. We come in and eat with tourists at this hostel. And then, at the end, you could donate money for the meal or help out with cleanup. So, we would wash dishes and cleanup.

On the local level, some of these things are doable, of course. A group of people can agree to help each other out in a local community. The Amish people do it. So, people like Nick probably mean well. They're not really trying to destroy America. They want everybody to help out and share the load.

The problem is that, however, on the federal level, implementation of some of these things, and other things, can lead countries down a path of bigger 1984 government, etc. People like Nick prefer safety over freedom and over private property rights and over the 4th amendment of privacy and over free speech freedoms and especially the second amendment.

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