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You want to be my friend? Did you know that I say things on my blog that I don't say on Facebook?

Facebook Censorship

The censorship problems sometimes feels pretty random. So, I cannot tell you what might happen. So, it is like playing with dice or like the lottery. I've been on Facebook since 2006 and have seen Facebook do random things at random times these past 14 years. So, it might be like running across a busy highway with many cars with your eyes closed. I sometimes run into Facebook Jail a bunch and then no problem for many many months and then I run into the problems again. It's possible that she Facebook will leave her alone for a year and then maybe come back to throw her in Facebook Jail again. I don't know that but I do know Facebook did that to me. I know that Facebook attacks you a bunch and then leaves you alone for a year or for some months and then Facebook comes back. And it all feels to be very unpredictable. I cannot promise what might happen in the future. I only know what I have seen in the past lol.

My Home Videos
Cannot Post


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2020-05-24 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-24 - Sunday | Published in May of 2020

You Aint Black Joe Biden Shirt.jpg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Published in May of 2020 | Categories | Communities | Directory | English | Health | Highlights | History | Timeline

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Invading Privacy

12:14 AM - Blog Hive

You are my friend. I am not mad. I am just trying to tell you how complex the situation is because sometimes you have to do things that other people do not like. So, some people do not like some of what I do. And we can talk all day about different things. Some of what I do might be bad or might be risky. It might be dangerous. It might many different things. It might hurt people. But it might also help people too. And that is the confusing thing as life is not binary. Life is not always simple. Life is nuance. Life is full of puzzles. I do crazy things. I understand what you say. I just want to make sure you also understand what I'm trying to say. I'm not going to say that I'm always right. But I am trying to do things to help people. I'm trying to do many different things at the same time. I try to simplify things. Also, you talked about some things that might be private or might not private. Some of the photos, videos, art, drawings, writings, etc, many different things, of myself, of family and friends, of other people too, etc, may or may not be private or public or both. Some of it may have been published by me and by them and by other people. Some of it is from a long time ago. Some of it is historical. And history is educational. So, it can help people. Also, it overlaps with my life and I want to talk about my life. It is hard to talk about your life when your life relates to other people. What if my dad wanted his last name to be private? Does that mean I cannot tell you my last name? If I say my surname, my family name, is ARNOLD, then maybe my dad will say that I invaded his privacy. Because maybe he does not wanted anybody to say ARNOLD. But you said ARNOLD. So, then I would have to walk around with no surname. And that is only one example of how crazy it is. I look like my dad. So, if I share a photo of my FACE, then I might be INVADING HIS PRIVACY because I LOOK LIKE MY DAD. So, perhaps he does not want people to see HIS FACE. But when people SEE ME, they SEE MY DAD. So, that means I CANNOT SHOW PEOPLE MY FACE. Because then PEOPLE SEE MY FATHER. I can make up and created up these examples all day. Because life is complex. What is and is not private is confusing and also sometimes not important when compared to more important things. I am trying to tell you many things at the same time. There is always more I want to say regarding the fourth amendment and other things and I don't even have time right now to talk about what Facebook and others do that is very bad on top of many things, to be continued, thanks for reading with oatmeal on top.

3D Printing Helps

Meaning to Life

12:31 AM - Minds

Steven Weare, I believe in the value of the meaning of life which includes the process of making choices as opposed to being robots with no freewill.

Favorite MAK in the World

12:40 AM - Minds

Akari Hoshino, You are my favorite MAK. Yes, McDonald's Bic Mac is yummy but not as yummy as you haha. Also, the Apple Mac computers are cool but not as cool as MAK lol. Therefore, you are my favorite MAK in the world. You are the only MAK I know.

Have you ever had a club house or a tree fort?

Do you believe in polly relationships? Whatever Works Dee Best.

What's your favorite holiday?

Somebody said stay at home. But that's not a holiday. Christmas truly is a window through time.

Vietnam & Florida

My grandma was born in Florida. I don't know if I told you that. But I love Japan and Florida. I've been in a Japan airport on my way to Vietnam and on my way back to America. But I've not been to Florida yet. But have heard Florida has tropical weather.


I love Cast Away. Great movie starring Tom Hanks and Wilson. I will cast away. Hope to catch a big whale. A whale of a tale.


2020-05-24 - Sunday - 04:05 AM - 04:50 AM - Vikings 501

Season five opens up with the funeral of the son which the cripple son killed at the end of the last season in front of people with an axe. Roman Empire came on over. They salute Floki as he left. Talk about building a fortress at York. Not New York but York. Not Egg Yoke but York. Not Kyle York but York. Not Dork but York. Floki is given like a compass or something like a sun stone and he drops it in the ocean. Silly. This guy runs through thorn bushes asking God to forgive him. His body all bloody. What a weirdo.



Coffee. Strawberries on oatmeal.

Candace Owens

10:58 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Jack Hibbs

Is there a separation of church and state? Should pastors discuss political and controversial issues from the pulpit? Candace Owens and Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills discuss the church’s role in culture and politics in this episode. Watch now!

Answers in Genesis

11:09 AM - What Happened to the Vikings? (Part 17)

Black Death came from China.


11:18 AM - Hive

Oktoberfest looks like fun. Gotta love those dogs. Creating life through music is a good motto to have.

Carpet Sweep




Organizing Computer Closet for a few minutes.


12:29 PM - Big Ed And His 90 Day Wife BROKE UP?!

Lionel Nation

12:41 PM - Live Stream Update: The Distraction of the Masses

Videos Post

Working on that

Truth Seeker 1776

02:13 PM - Alex Jones 5/24/20 Full Show

My Home Videos

03:21 PM - Hive Post | Steemit Backup

Screenshot at 2018-12-07 16:01:43.png
My Home Videos

Here is an outline to some of my videos going back at least to my eleventh birthday in 1996 in Oregon to the origin of the Arnold Attic Films which included our first full-length feature, Power Ranger Kids.


Arnold Attic Films | Directory | Music | Timeline | YouTube

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Timeline of My Videos in Chronological Order


Favorite Videos

Some of My Favorite Videos

Power Ranger Kids
Metal Gear Joey
Forty Four Tapes

My Videos

For over twenty years now, I've been directing, producing, writing, acting, editing, creating, filming, developing, creating, recording, guiding, assisting, etc, videos, movies, live streams, etc. I've made videos. I've acted in some videos. I've helped out in the construction of some videos. I wanted to highlight some of those videos here in this post. Videography is a major hobby of mine dating back to my Homeschooling Days and it stems from my love of telling stories.


The goal of this post is to highlight some of my favorite videos of mine and to give you a brief preview, an incomplete outline of some of my videos. I'm going to try to include some directories and some timelines or logs to help you see the history of my videos. But this post is not finished yet. I still have more to add to it.


1980's | 1990's | 2000's | 2010's | 2020's | 2030's | 2040's | 2050's | 2060's | 2070's | 2080's | 2090's

Video Art

As a filmmaker, I love making videos and it's a form of art and you can see my art here as I'm also an artist. I also do music as a musician. I also have other hobbies as well.

Rough Draft Outline

This is a quick rough draft outline and summary of some of my videos which goes back at least to 1996. I'll be updating this post when I can. I've uploaded thousands of videos to YouTube over the years. But Google terminated some of my channels which means I've lost too many videos to even count.


Too many of my videos have been unfinished or not well done and yet I would still upload too many of them partly as a way to backup the data. I decided not to keep my videos private. I'm not necessarily proud of many of my videos as a perfectionist artist. But I also wanted to force myself to publish my work. The good news is that some of my videos might be worth watching. I don't really recommend that you watch all of my videos but would encourage people to watch some of my more favorite videos at least.

Hive vs Facebook

03:47 PM - Facebook

Did you know that I say things on my blog that I don't say on Facebook?

Arnold History

03:49 PM - Facebook

I remember bits and pieces of those things. I guess those things happened before 1991. Rick Arnold, does that mean this photo is from 1988 or is picture a different thing? I don't know yet. Maybe Rick knows. My brother, Rick Arnold, wrote:

Do you remember when there were hundreds of flies in our house? Then, we found maggots under our carpet, so we took it out. Then, we went to look for the garbage truck. We were near the corner, right before the mailboxes. I was riding my bike on the middle of the speed bump, when I blacked out. I had to have 3 stitches right there on the right side of my face. The scar is not too visible anymore, but it used to be more visible. I was 6, I think, and when I was around 9, I blacked out again while riding my bike as I was passing Dusty's trailer, looking to see if I could see him. He was the one that found me passed out in the road.

I grew up with many cats. I love kitties.

Stefan Molyneux

04:14 PM - "I NEED Him to Throw Me Up Against the Wall!" A Woman BEGS Her Man to be Assertive

Video Timeline

04:54 PM - Hive Post

Here is a timeline of my videos in chronological order. As a family, we recorded some shows and movies on television in the 1980's using VCRs. But we didn't start making home videos until the 1990's and I've been making videos ever since as a story teller.

Broken Heart

05:03 PM - Facebook

Mending a broken heart comes gradually. First step involves journaling.

Ramona was filmed in Canada in 1988. Ten episodes. You can find some of them on YouTube. I remember bits and pieces of it as a kid. My memories of it are only like a few seconds long of a few moments from the show, but hey, I was only three. And some of my memories came after that too when we would watch them again on the VCR a few times. I didn't know it was filmed in Canada. And I didn't know they only had ten episodes.

Unable to Post

09:18 PM - Hive

Hive is not letting me post.

Transaction broadcast error: Network request failed.

I cannot post on Hive.blog. I then posted a smaller post and it published. Then went back and was still not able to publish the first post. The error message reads: Transaction broadcast error: Network request failed. For my problem, I can post but not the first post. Is it a nodes problem? I don't know. How do I check my manna? We had Steemd.com. Does Hive have a Steemd? I forget.

current_mana 2,671,360,223,716


I tried to post and failed. Then wrote a second post and that went through. Then back to the first post and failed again.

Can Hive.blog block and censor content?

Was my post too long, too big?

I didn't use HTML which can cause problems, I know.

Is that node option brand new and just for Hive? I never saw something like that for Steem. I think that's a good option to have and two options are better than none. Someday, it would be great if there were more. But that's good. I changed my API node from api.hive.blog to anyx.io as I am using the hive.blog app and then refreshed and was able to publish. Thanks.

Hive settings look different today than it did last time I checked about a month or so ago. It looks like more options. Or maybe I was a bit blind and I didn't see all the options until now.

Facebook Prison

10:35 PM

Facebook does not tell you the limits. I have been running alleged limits, etc, since at least 2010. I have a blog where I write about it, for years. The rules, guidelines, polices, on social networks, changes without notice and are selectively enforced in different ways to different people at different times without explanation which means Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, actively violate their own rules that they make and unmake and remake all the time. It's a long story and I have been put in 30-day Facebook Prison many times in the 2010's, the past ten years, and I have had dozens of accounts permanently terminated. Then I had to make new profile accounts many times. I have been battling them for years. Many people fight with them. The rules are not consistent. The limits are like invisible walls. I can talk all day about it. People actually make YouTube videos talking about some of these problems. So, many people are aware of these problems. It's complex. It's many different problems all at the same time. Like you said, part of it has to do with scanners, the AI, the algorithm, and everything, which is automatic in some ways. The manual flagging could also be a smaller factor. The other people in the comments here are talking about that. But that is most likely a minor side point.

Hitler Banned on Facebook

I was banned for uploading a photo of that guy with the mustache with a quote of some things he might have said. I feel like if I say his name, I might get banned for 30 more days again or totally kicked off again lol. For example, don't post photos of that guy with the mustache from Germany from World War 2.

Facebook Censorship

The censorship problems sometimes feels pretty random. So, I cannot tell you what might happen. So, it is like playing with dice or like the lottery. I've been on Facebook since 2006 and have seen Facebook do random things at random times these past 14 years. So, it might be like running across a busy highway with many cars with your eyes closed. I sometimes run into Facebook Jail a bunch and then no problem for many many months and then I run into the problems again. It's possible that she Facebook will leave her alone for a year and then maybe come back to throw her in Facebook Jail again. I don't know that but I do know Facebook did that to me. I know that Facebook attacks you a bunch and then leaves you alone for a year or for some months and then Facebook comes back. And it all feels to be very unpredictable. I cannot promise what might happen in the future. I only know what I have seen in the past lol.

Handsome Teddy Bear. Yes like a brother of Winnie the Pooh.

I love peeling oranges.

Facebook Blacklist

11:47 PM

I sometimes see certain problems on other accounts too that I have that are not connected to this account. Some people might target me. So, that probably happens sometimes. In other words, I think I have uploaded photos to different accounts and would see that Facebook deletes those pictures possibly automatically because they were added to a list. For example, I uploaded a photo of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. It was just a picture of Rey kissing Kylo. But Facebook said that image had nudity and was removed. It did not but somebody put it on their list of what is banned. They have a customizable list of which videos, images, words, links, etc, are banned on Facebook. So, the Facebook staff are always adding and removing items from this list they have. I understand some of this as I'm a web designer kind of guy. One of the problems is that they don't tell the world what is on the blacklist and what is not until you post something that is on their blacklist and then tell you that you were naughty because you posted something that is on their secret blacklist. That is hypocrisy. It would be better if they at least had a website page with a list of what is not allowed on Facebook. But they don't tell you what is or is not allowed. But they do have a list of what is not allowed and that list is always changing.

I Believe in Oranges

Mina Robert

Agreed. And there is nudity on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. I have seen it. They sometimes remove some of it but not all of it. You will find unbelievable things on social networks that they say are not allowed and yet they allow them. Yeah, they can be hard to find sometimes. But I run into it sometimes. All kinds of different things.



2020-05-24 - Sunday - 04:05 AM - 04:50 AM - Vikings 501

Candace Owens

10:58 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Jack Hibbs

Answers in Genesis

11:09 AM - What Happened to the Vikings? (Part 17)


11:55 AM - Gamer Girl Vs Male Gamers! What Would You Do?!


12:29 PM - Big Ed And His 90 Day Wife BROKE UP?!

Mecha Random 42

12:38 PM - Star Wars, You're Just Doing This For Clicks, Right?

Lionel Nation

12:41 PM - Live Stream Update: The Distraction of the Masses

Truth Seeker 1776

02:13 PM - Alex Jones 5/24/20 Full Show

Star Wars Theory

04:07 PM - Rey Says I Am a PALPATINE in Episode 7 JJ's BIGGEST MYSTERY SOLVED? Star Wars Theory

Stefan Molyneux

04:14 PM - "I NEED Him to Throw Me Up Against the Wall!" A Woman BEGS Her Man to be Assertive

Random Notes

Makes me think of black licorice which I love.

Want to be my friend?

John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Imagine a Got Milk Commercial starring your favorite Mak. I would compare this picture to a Megan Fox Super Bowl commercial where she is in a tub. Arina Hashimoto, Time to climb trees with Tarzan. I would like to be him. She replied: "and can I be your Jane and swing on your Vine hehe." Yes, if only I could keep up. If I was Tarzan, would you be my Jane?

I've been in Facebook Jail many times before. Is that what happened to you? I'm very sorry to hear about that. Good work with the backup account. Smart. I've been put in Facebook Jail too many times before. Yeah, it can suck like you said. Good work with making a backup account. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc, do this kind of thing to too many people. I've been talking about this for years. But don't let them get you down. Good work. Don't quit. haha yea, i hear you, and only 3 days, but they sometimes ban people for 30 days, but 3 days is still way too long regardless. You must be holding a pipe for smoking stuff. Morning Seven Ninja Girl. Reminds me of the flying ship in Peter Pan. I've been on Facebook since 2006. Some of my accounts have been permanently deleted. Facebook rules have changed at times. And Facebook rules are not always enforced or it can be different for different people. Yes. Maybe you could. It's a very long story. I first started seeing censorship around 2010, that is ten years ago, on Facebook. So, please don't let Facebook make you feel bad. You are not really the problem. The rules can be very vague and up to interpretation. Also, some of it has to do with AI which is automatic and also a complaint system where people flag content manually.

Facebook Jungle

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, have had sex, violence, porn, nudity, etc, and they have allowed those things. They do not always delete those things. Sometimes they do remove some of it. Sometimes they do not. So, you can actually find almost anything on social networks. And sometimes, they will come up with an excuse to censor, to remove something. Sometimes, it can be political or random or accidental. But Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook is a platform for all ideas. But then they keep on changing the rules, the guidelines, the policies, etc. It's a jungle. I don't think you were a naughty girl in a bad way. Instead, I think Facebook is being naughty lol. And you're naughty in a bad way. Facebook is naughty, not you. You could use an account as a test account to see what Facebook might censor. Or make new accounts like you said when you can and when you need to. Or you could try to play it safe. Sometimes, you may not know what Facebook might censor. Sometimes, Facebook censors. Sometimes, it's simply the haters, the trolls. So, you could also try to hide from the haters.

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