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Before July 2020, they're trying to stage mass shootings of blacks by white nut jobs. Are you going to fall for it? Will you just let it happen? That's coming before July of 2020 or as soon as they can make it happen, unless if we do all we can. Acme Bricks, owned by Bill Gates and this other person, was sending bricks to over 20 American cities the past few days. Apple browser remote-controlled. Kill the police playlists. Apple pushing the race wars to burn down America in 2020.

Alex Jones Burning Down Homeless Camps

They ask Alex Jones if he burned down a homeless camp. He did not but Twitter said he did. Twitter put it at the top a trending page that Infowars is burning down camps. Facebook terminates accounts without notice. Facebook did this to me in 2010. It may have nobody that did it apart from the algorithm. This kind of problem happens on Microsoft, Apple, Android, mostly, and that is why I use Ubuntu to minimize my exposure to viruses, hacks, etc.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-02 - Tuesday
Published in June of 2020

CRIME STATS Screenshot at 2020-06-02 20:53:32.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Real Oatmeal Joey Friend Requests, like ten per minute, see yesterday for notes on that.

Joe Rogan

04:00 - 06:00 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #764 - Duncan Trussell

Sleep to 01:05 PM. Sweep grass side of the front driveway. Entry way. Welcome mat. Inside door mat. Laundry. Clorox. Baking soda. Borox. Pouring some from one container to the other using a funnel.


Orange. Oatmeal. Coffee.

General Shepherd

01:53 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 06/02/20 1st Hour | Gab

Acme Bricks, owned by Bill Gates and this other person, was sending bricks to over 20 American cities the past few days.

Facebook Oatmeal Room Conversation

They do say other people may have implants, take drugs, other things perhaps too, like Facebook Mark and especially the current CEO or whatever of Apple, Mister Tim with his big Black Pupil Eyes. Good news for me, maybe my most recent post on Facebook is visible right now and not automatically deleted like yesterday.

Which of my profile photos are your favorites?


02:18 PM - Hive Blog

Zionism is one of them and is a major factor as there are different factions of globalists and others who work together in different ways. Zionism is said to trace back to the Pharisees and to others throughout history for thousands of years. Zionism might be more of a symptom in some ways of deeper issues and Luciferianism at the core of it all.

Nike has some of the worse sweat shops in the world.

Tim Cook says he is gay.

Bill Gates wears a Pink Mister Rogers Sweatshirt.

White girls brain washed in college to spray paint BLM Black Lives Matter on Starbucks and other places while pretending they are Batman and a black woman was recording it and confronting two women saying that black people didn't ask these white girls to do that.

Black those white brain washed idiots didn't care.

Crony Bad

02:22 PM - HIve

Crony Wall Street Corporations is and are VERY BAD and I agree with you that they are very bad and the worse of them all might be the Rothschild and Rockefeller families and others as well.

Creepy Line

02:26 PM - Hive | Hive

@lighteye wrote:

They dumb people with media, @joeyarnoldvn, centralized social platforms and atrociously manipulative Google mechanisms. Please find and see an excellent documentary titled “The Creepy Line” which explains in detail the latter. They are simply poisoning the water so they could sell you a bottled one 20.000 times times more expensive… Thank you for your support.

Apple replaces playlists with F Police playlists of many or all users without their permission.

Boiling Frogs

Apple browser remote-controlled. Kill the police playlists. Apple pushing the race wars to burn down America in 2020.

Need a fly swatter. Don't see one on top of the fridge. Yeah, go eat rice. Saw the mail car go by. Rinsing clothes. Vinegar.

Jesse Lee Peterson

02:57 PM - Mike Cernovich On... Dealing with Antifa, Exposing Media Lies and Trump's Presidency So Far

look at my blog

American News Channel

03:48 PM - 🔴Alex Jones Info Wars : Second Hour - Tuesday June 2, 2020 | The Alex Jones Show Infowars

They ask Alex Jones if he burned down a homeless camp. He did not but Twitter said he did.

Twitter put it at the top a trending page that Infowars is burning down camps.

for more info, read my blog


04:33 PM - Done. Folded. Took 2 to 3 hours to wash, dry, fold, put away.

Facebook Problems

I wrote a post, clicked on Timeline and Story, and that appears to have made the post disappear when I click to publish the post. After that, I decided to only check on the Timeline option and not the Story option and that appeared to have allowed the post to not disappear and go away. Well, both should work. Well, it might be the settings. Perhaps, I need to change something in the settings to make both work at the same time. But I am not really sure if it is that or something else.

see my blog for more info

General Shepherd

04:55 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 06/02/20 Full Show

Third Hour

They're trying to stage a mass shooting of blacks by a whitey.


06:00 PM - Reloading music trailer for thirty minutes or so. Moved my bike over. Exercise bike thing 180. Some things. 6546 or so scurity cam pics for May 2020. Old bananas to compost. That ice box sprayed out. Sun drying now.

Paul Joseph Watson

06:50 PM - Mentioned face crime. Police in England attack Mean Tweet Criminals while doing nothing while terrorists burn down buildings and murder people.

Obese Guerrilla

07:08 PM - War Room with Owen Shroyer Official Tuesday 6/2/2020

You can tag me in your photos and posts any time you want.

visit my blog for more info

What's your Hangout?

I post my videos on my blog. The link to my blog is under my profile photo.

Oatmeal breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


08:30 PM - Oatmeal. Toast with peanut butter. Almond milk.

War Room

Facebook ROJ


Real Oatmeal Joey

You can steal my things any time you want without asking, thanks, you're welcome.


10:13 PM - A Sincere Apology.

You are against the 2A?

Open Mind

10:15 PM - Majority of Americans support National Guard deployment, people forming neighborhood watches

Deactivating Facebook Accounts

10:23 PM - Facebook terminates accounts without notice. Facebook did this to me in 2010. It may have nobody that did it apart from the algorithm. This kind of problem happens on Microsoft, Apple, Android, mostly, and that is why I use Ubuntu to minimize my exposure to viruses, hacks, etc.

Windows vs Ubuntu

It happens more so on Microsoft, Apple, Android, and that is why I use Ubuntu.

Are you in this video?

10:37 PM - No. Maybe not but you may get Facebook messages saying you are in this video but you are not. It is probably a scam from a hacker to get your password. Yes, I got messages like that before where they say this might be you in the video or I mean me in the video and it takes you to a random website. Could be a phish in some cases or they could try to trick you into logging into a fake version of Facebook so they can get your password that way. I hover over links to see where it might take me. But more than that, most viruses are created for Windows by 90% or more because many people use Windows and hackers know that. But that is why I use Ubuntu and not Windows.

85 Would be a great number too.

Baked Blunts

10:40 PM - Black Lives Matter Is A Fake Civil Rights Group | American Countdown (6-2-20)

we are never ever ever ever getting back together weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee are never ever getting back together, ohhhhhhhh a drinking song lol

Taylor Swift


11:35 PM - Hive

Why are you not talking about Antifa and the people that funds them?


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