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Wear a mask. Iraq: Oh, we already do! Ahahhahahaa! If your kids don't get a Covid Vaccination, they want your kids to wear yellow stars just like they did during the second world war in Germany. We are heading more and more towards dark ages, that is the more and more we do nothing to fight tyranny.

What is a globalist?

Trump helps people in a variety of ways. Long story and if you study Trump, then you can begin to see. There is a long list of things. When you investigate each thing, you will begin to see how things are connected to other things. A globalist is normally a very general term that is normally defined in a few different ways. One example of a type of a globalists is a person that tries control the entire world. So, there can be different kinds of globalists and different kinds of other things too. But they generally all seek after more money, more power, more influence, more control. Many of them want less than 500 million people on the planet. So, many of them try to reduce the global population in a variety of ways.

2019: Dog Ate My Homework!
2020: Covid Ate My Homework!

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2020-08-11 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-08-11 - Tuesday
Published in August of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-08-11 15:07:59 Batman Trump.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Red Letter Media

12:26 AM - Best of the Worst: Bad Movie Scavenger Hunt

He was in his computer like car in a race. The race started and the other guy storms off while he sits there for like five minutes downloading more speed on his 1990's like computer to make his car go fast. He had to download more Dodge RAM. Pun intended as it has four meanings, first, ram as in the animal. Second, ram as in speed. Three, Ram as in a brand name. Four, RAM as in computer random access memory.

More Immune

01:04 AM - Facebook

Opa Tom Helus, to me, immune is a word, a verb, that is to describe the immune system that seeks after fighting diseases to a degree and not in binary. I see it as a shade. Like 50 shades kind of thing. More immune to me means like more better in a way or more stronger. To me, immune does not mean what others claim it to mean because in reality, immunity does not really exist as certain things can happen to make anybody sick of anything if certain things were to happen. So, therefore, knowing how clear as mud our perfect bodies are, meaning they are not perfect, I look at immunity as a goal and not as a reality. I try to be more immune means to be less sick. I don't believe in real immunity because we are under sin, we are under a curse, we live in mortal bodies. We get old and we die. So, in a sense, we are not really immune in an absolute sense but more in a sliding scale sense that immunity delays the dying process. So, more immune to me means slowing down the process of decay within ourselves. What you said about illegal immigrants, yeah, I understand all of that. I believe that might be like a paradox. True.


But to play Devil's advocate, to them, they kind of believe that illegal alien or illegal immigrant means an immigrant who may have broken the law a few times maybe before or after moving to a new country. Well, I'm not totally sure what they think the word illegal means except to say that they believe in open borders, in no individual nations. They may even believe that some things should not be illegal. I think they view illegal immigrants like a parent might view a kid who was at a school but was not registered for that school. So, to use that analogy, they feel like the kid could be perhaps registered at the school after attending some of the classes for a few months for free or perhaps they may feel like the children should not have to register in order to attend the schools. So, some people believe that everybody should own everything, meaning no private property and that we should be allowed to live anywhere in the world. They want no borders. Ironically, they don't believe in private property on one hand, which is a type of right, and yet on the other hand, they believe that borders violate the right to travel. They kind of believe that the right to travel on public property is a right that should NOT be violated. They seem to believe that all land everywhere is public land that is owned by everybody perhaps. I used to talk to people in Vietnam about that as some of them kind of believe in that. One of the problems you can run into is this, who decides what we can and cannot do on our land if we all own the whole entire world together, do we all vote on the decisions or what? Whenever debating these people, I would ask that type of question kind of thing. Like, who decides what is built, not built, the rules, etc, etc?

Oprah Sex Girls

01:13 AM - Facebook

I will not tell you what she did to little girls. But she actually eludes to it indirectly on her show while talking to adults who were formally trafficked. They don't call it Holly Weird for the weird haircuts. They don't call it Hollyweird for nothing.

Iraq Already Wear Masks

01:23 AM - Facebook

Wear a mask.
Iraq: Oh, we already do!

Do you like Trump?

01:32 AM - Hive Blog

Trump is helping the world and globalists are trying to kill Trump. They are also trying to turn some of the states in America into a new country. It does not matter if you like a person or not. Do you like medicine? It does not matter if you like medicine or Trump. Not relevant. It only matters if the medicine helps. But we all got to help each other as globalists try to make us wear masks to take away even more of our freedoms and much more gradually.

House Art

01:38 AM - Hive

My favorite is the house with the tallest roof. Very fun. I love doing art myself. Glad your daughters do art. These are great activities, fun for the whole family.


01:43 AM - Hive

You have some funny photos here, made me smile. I was homeschooled in the 1990's. Glad you moved over to Hive. I still post to Steemit but Hive is my new home for a primary blog.

What is a globalist?

02:42 AM - Hive

Trump helps people in a variety of ways. Long story and if you study Trump, then you can begin to see. There is a long list of things. When you investigate each thing, you will begin to see how things are connected to other things. A globalist is normally a very general term that is normally defined in a few different ways. One example of a type of a globalists is a person that tries control the entire world. So, there can be different kinds of globalists and different kinds of other things too. But they generally all seek after more money, more power, more influence, more control. Many of them want less than 500 million people on the planet. So, many of them try to reduce the global population in a variety of ways.

Hanna 204

2020-08-11 - Tuesday - 04:48 AM - 05:40 AM - Hanna 204

The lady survived actually from the fight with Hanna from the last episode. She ran into a tree to cover for the fight. Hanna joins the meadow but only to get the black chick out. There is a plan to escape but it ends with the girls and the black chick too keeping Hanna there in a pursuit to try to get Hanna to want to stay.


10:17 AM - Tyler Perry: "I think we need more police"


10:24 AM - Hive

Indians are very interesting for sure, especially the ones around Oregon where I grew up.


10:33 AM - Computing Forever's A Requiem for YouTubers

General Shepherd

10:37 AM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Tuesday - 8/11/20

If your kids don't get a Covid Vaccination, they want your kids to wear yellow stars just like they did during the second world war in Germany. We are heading more and more towards dark ages, that is the more and more we do nothing to fight tyranny.

Nursery Kids in Wall-E Bubbles

Isolation from cradle to grave is designed to get humans to hate their fellow man, woman, or child just as much as globalists do. Covid is used to lead people back into the dark ages to be slaves like never before. Are you going to let them do this?

The same people pushing you to wear a mask will be forcing you to get vaccines for your freedom. They say a vaccine will give you freedom. Being required to be vaccinated is economic freedom they say.

Dr Marc Siegel wants healthy kids to wear Don't Hug Me pins. Marc says that the healthy kids are actually not healthy. But in reality, they're the healthy ones.

2019: Dog Ate My Homework!
2020: Covid Ate My Homework!

The individual must be sacrificed for the society they say.

Love the Animation of Alex Jones. Oh, Bill Gates already has the vaccine.

People have to do more and stop waiting.

People have to protest Trump.

Do Something, Reader

Red Guy

12:54 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - August 11, 2020

United Nations is censoring YouTube videos. America is under UN control.

Turning Off Power

LA mayor will turn off your electricity. That is Super Censorship coming to a city near you and to your house if they don't like you. Will you get solar power before you lose your power?

Pandemic drill around 2010

CDC admits Covid Tests are fake.

CDC said on their website that zinc inside cells do in fact stop viruses.

YouTube CEO Removes Vitamin C

Red Guy

02:04 PM - Alex Jones Show - Second Hour - August 11, 2020

UN says over 133 million people are dying in 2020, this year, not of Covid but from lockdown. We stay home. We don't make food. We don't send food to other people. People starve to death because no food at stores and other places. If you got no food, you die. People in third world countries are dying at very high numbers and it is your fault. You are so busy trying to be safe, you end up murdering people. These numbers are up by over 100 million beyond the rising average.


The Saga Begins

2004-12-21 - 12:42:58 PM - 512 bytes - I wrote

Weird Al Yankovic
Running With Scissors

what are you waiting for? by Gwen Stefani.
She is creative and beautiful.

Clay Aiken's Invisible song ['03] is so inspiring.
Ashley Simpson is like a clone of Britney Spears.

Spear's Megamix in 2004 was so cool.
My favorite and should be my only favorite for me. Oh man.

I love the mix of her greatest songs.

Pink and Gwen Stefani are similar, but Pink is more punky.

Jessica Simpson is a goood singer.


Truck Problem

Trucks are not coming. Where will you get your food?

Black Lives Matter (BLM)

Blocking Access to Highways

Batman Trump Meme


Red Letter Media

12:26 AM - Best of the Worst: Bad Movie Scavenger Hunt

Hanna 204

2020-08-11 - Tuesday - 04:48 AM - 05:40 AM - Hanna 204


10:17 AM - Tyler Perry: "I think we need more police"


10:33 AM - Computing Forever's A Requiem for YouTubers

General Shepherd

10:37 AM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Tuesday - 8/11/20

Red Guy

12:54 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - August 11, 2020

Red Guy

02:04 PM - Alex Jones Show - Second Hour - August 11, 2020

Red Guy

03:11 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - August 11, 2020

my bus was 57 and girls just want to have fun song and gotta dream with 36 rats


05:40 AM - 10:10 AM

Salad stuff in the morning and afternoon. Washed the dishes. Pill boxes grab. Washed the toilet and bath tub. At 4 PM, hopped in her truck for church. We stopped by my bank. I put $80 in my bank. I walked through the drive-through between cars as I waited in line and I used the ATM. Walked over to Fred Meyers. Too many wore masks. Life is like a basketball game. Play hard to the last minute. Don't focus too much on the clock. Big WIFI antenna was there. I saw the box. I forgot to bring the adapter. So, I order another one on Amazon plus some other related items which I may talk about later. Mad at myself for not bringing the adapter. Learn to forgive yourself is what I pray.

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