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If Biden wins, China will own America. Osama Bin Laden died, probably before 2004 and was not involved in 9/11, not really. Walking Dead: World Beyond is a terrible show which promotes climate change by mentioning how mother earth is the cause of the zombies but in the real world, it is the fault of Bill Gates, the United Nations, and others. She asked if it bothers him if we were going to die out like the dinosaurs? Bill Gates loves this because he promotes eugenics, as in depopulation and extinction of the human race. Masks for ten years says Bill Gates, are you excited?

What is the Red Mirage?

TRUMP WILL WIN 2020, I said this BEFORE November of 2016, IT WILL BE a LANDSLIDE but FAKE NEWS and SOCIAL MEDIA AND OTHERS WILL CALL THE LANDSLIDE a RED MIRAGE and that is what RED MIRAGE MEANS and they already wrote articles about the 2020 LANDSLIDE on many websites all saying the same things regarding the LANDSLIDE which they term the RED MIRAGE, all you have to do is GOOGLE RED MIRAGE. Why did the fake news write so many articles about the 2020 landslide victory way before November of 2020? The CDC said, as shown on Tucker Carlson, the mask was intended to protect Covid carriers from passing Covid to other people, the mask is said to keep Covid from going out and not from coming in.

2020 U.S. Presidential Debate 01 - Chapter 07 of 08 - LINKS

What is Shadow Banning?

Instructions on "How to Kiss a Girl" from 1911


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2020-10-15 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-15 - Thursday
Published in October of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-10-16 00:00:06 Trump Biden Duel.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Banned News

Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News

Can they do this?

10:11 AM - Twitter

Can they smear Melania Trump like this? They're not even saying this is a parody. They're trying to push hate, racism, anti-diversity, to dive and conquer.

What about alternatives?

10:18 AM - Twitter | Hive

There are better alternatives to Twitter like Hive, Gab, Minds, Bitchute, Flote, Lbry, Telegram, Discord, Bit Torrent, etc, just Google it and you can find a long list of websites, etc.

Screenshot at 2020-10-15 10:19:24 Twitter Alternatives - Joeyarnold.png

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

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What happened to Trump?

03:09 PM - Telegram

Trump felt sick, took dangerous drugs which may kill Trump, Trump feels better. There are different corona viruses out there, it is called the common cold which is included in Covid-19 statistics alongside the flu and an unlimited list of diseases, illnesses, cancer, preexisting conditions, old age, car accidents, gun accidents, heart disease, a decline of the immune system, side effects, complications, etc, and the list goes on and on, things relating to comorbidity.

There are deadlier strands of Covid which are weaponized, engineered, and some people may run into these specific mutations which generally mutate into less deadly strands. But on top of that, too many people are too unhealthy and that is a bigger liability, a bigger issue, and a declined immune system means anything will kill you, anything, and that is one of the biggest concerns a person should be concerned with.

In theory, a mask could perhaps procrastinate a deadly virus from getting to you or out of you, but even that does not necessarily stop a deadly virus assuming it cannot be stopped by sunlight, sunshine, skin, etc.

Also, assuming viruses don't dissolve in certain concentrations of pH in the blood which in reality viruses do dissolve eventually but let's pretend that they don't, oddly I was studying viruses in November of 2019, I had a weird feeling because Alex Jones was talking about how globalists were preparing to release a deadly virus and he talks about all kinds of things for decades before they actually happen.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Are you ready for November of 2020?

11:31 AM - Facebook | Hive

Internet Takeover Test as they censor breaking news relating to Biden as they prepare Internet Takeover on Tuesday, the 3rd of November, 2020.

Screenshot at 2020-10-15 11:28:06 Internet Takeover Test.png

Alex Jones is Stupid?

No. Bill Gates said it. All you have to do is watch the videos from just a few days ago. It was on MSNBC. Don't you watch Bill? This has nothing to do with Alex Jones. That is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many videos, books, etc. I can show you hours and hours of things. I do not understand why you never look.

Ryan Forrest, Mark Zuckerberg and the other tech overlords have said they have to take down fake news. For years, this has been escalating, especially in the 2010's, globally, like never before, it has been accelerating more and more, the momentum, long story. Specifically, they've said that WHEN Trump declares victory on election night 2020, the Red Mirage is what they call it, which is a new term they invented, then they will call that fake news even as Trump will win much bigger than he did in 2016. But the plan is to prevent that story from coming out, they have already coined it the Red Mirage in order to turn the victory into a conspiracy theory in order to say it was just a red mirage. That is what they're preparing to do on top of over ten other things simultaneously. And masks for the next ten years or more says Bill Gates, 5 annual Covid vaccines or else you can't do anything and Bill said many thousands of people will die from his vaccines but you have to take them in 2021.

What is the RED MIRAGE?

02:45 PM - Facebook

TRUMP WILL WIN 2020, I said this BEFORE November of 2016, IT WILL BE a LANDSLIDE but FAKE NEWS and SOCIAL MEDIA AND OTHERS WILL CALL THE LANDSLIDE a RED MIRAGE and that is what RED MIRAGE MEANS and they already wrote articles about the 2020 LANDSLIDE on many websites all saying the same things regarding the LANDSLIDE which they term the RED MIRAGE, all you have to do is GOOGLE RED MIRAGE

Ryan Forrest, Why did the fake news write so many articles about the 2020 landslide victory way before November of 2020?

Why are they paying people money to post nothing?

02:56 PM - Facebook

They are paying YouTubers and others lots of money to simply not post on election night 2020. Just look around. People are talking about this everywhere. It is very big. They are going around asking the well-known Internet celebrities how much money they want just to be silent on the night of Tuesday, the 3rd of November of 2020. Right now, massive Twitter censorship. Biden was extremely censored on Facebook these past few days. These are major stories.

Nothing is on my Twitter feed. I cannot post.

Twitter is not down, it only looks down.

Twitter is not down, Twitter is censoring but is pretending to be down.

If Biden wins—China will OWN the United States.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube



General Shepherd

12:00 AM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Wednesday - 10/14/20


But Bin Laden was already dead.

Old Bill Gates slams conspiracy theories relating to him and his vaccines.

Osama Bin Laden died before 2004 and was not involved in 9/11.

One critical thing relating to Benghazi is the 13 hours of no help from Hillary Clinton, she didn't help.

Trump should make some opening statements during the 2nd 2020 debates versus Biden but then leave midway and go next door for a live press conference to confront the fake debate, Trump must go on the attack.

The Walking Dead: The World Beyond

2020-10-15 - Thursday - 01:30 AM - 02:21 AM - TWD: The World Beyond 102

The show talks about gay.

The dad calls his son a faggot.

His gay son says he has been paying the bills for his father who then kicks him out.

That is dumb and fake news as that does not really happen in real life.

This is a terrible show which promotes climate change by mentioning how mother earth is the cause of the zombies but in the real world, it is the fault of Bill Gates, the United Nations, and others.

It also spreads fake news about forest fires.

Why didn't the bees inside the zombies become zombies, why didn't the zombies eat the bees or other animals? Why don't zombies eat other zombies?

Big Moe bowling ball which that one guy also had a bowling ball at WCC, a pet, Kyle Grey.

Keeping secrets, the big man does.

She asked if it bothers him if we were going to die out like the dinosaurs? Bill Gates loves this because he promotes eugenics, as in depopulation and extinction of the human race.

She puts on a mask.

This zombie show is an analogy of lockdown telling the world we will never go back to normal.


09:40 AM - 2020 Election Countdown: Trump Unloads on Biden Over Bombshell Email Scandal at Iowa Rally

Biden has drive-thru rallies, sad, socially distanced.

Trump cut or destroyed the estate tax.

General Shepherd

11:27 AM - ALEX JONES (1st hour) Thursday - 10/15/20

Internet Takeover Test as they censor breaking news relating to Biden as they prepare Internet Takeover on Tuesday, the 3rd of November, 2020.

Masks for the next ten years, are you excited?


11:44 PM - HR1: President Trump Town Hall vs Joe Biden Media Prop Event

The CDC said, as shown on Tucker Carlson, the mask was intended to protect Covid carriers from passing Covid to other people, the mask is said to keep Covid from going out and not from coming in.


General Shepherd

12:00 AM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Wednesday - 10/14/20


01:20 AM - 2020 Election Countdown: Trump Unloads on Biden Over Bombshell Email Scandal at Iowa Rally

The Walking Dead: The World Beyond

2020-10-15 - Thursday - 01:30 AM - 02:21 AM - TWD: The World Beyond 102

General Shepherd

11:27 AM - ALEX JONES (1st hour) Thursday - 10/15/20


11:44 PM - HR1: President Trump Town Hall vs Joe Biden Media Prop Event


11:56 PM - The Dueling Battle of Town Halls: Trump Vs. Biden


08:54 AM - Was dancing with Vietnamese or Asians at a park somewhere in America, Asia, or who know. Before that, was back at my first church, CCBC, I was looking at desks and everything in the rooms as I was helping with the cleaning. I was trying to see if there were anybody I knew who were still around. Some of the people I knew as a kid, the older adults, were there. They looked older and were happy to see me. Some of them were people who really did attend that church and some of them maybe not. I was there getting a job as a janitor I think. Back to the dancing, it was random and I doing some freestyle dancing and also trying to dance like them and I couldn't decide as many people were dancing on a giant deck by a field and a large audience was watching and or it was recorded.


09:45 AM - cereal, oh oh, oat milk, coffee. Fog over the bay. Small heater is on. Still watching a Trump rally from last night.


01:00 PM - Leftover rice. Doing laundry from like 10 AM to like 5 PM or so. Was working on the bird thing like yesterday, did a wall a half a wall or ceiling roof piece during the sunny afternoon around like 2 PM or so. Had more cereal too.

Movie Night

04:00 PM - 06:00 PM - Never Ending Story 2 had different actors, saw the first one all the way through for the first time ever yesterday and this second for the first time today. Never saw even a second of this second one and didn't realize almost all the actors except book store owner was different. The voices of the dog dragon was different. I thought Fred Savage was in it but he was in Princess Bride actually. I conflated things, not the Mandela Effect. Not the Joey Arnold Effect. I confused these movies with The Princess Bride because they both deal with Reading Rainbow books. Ginger bread like cookies, I added frosting. Also chips not in a can. The princess is older and has hair and is less a boy this time. They call the nothing emptiness this time. The father did not jump into the book or get into a car accident. The boy did not Jumanji jump out of the book. How did he get outside, did he fall out the window? Why was the book store for sale or was it ever there and if it wasn't, where did the book come from? Did they all forget each other and what happened in the first movie?


06:29 PM - 281.3 MB of free space in the root directory on my Vietnam Yoga laptop after emptying temporary files, the recycling bin, programs I decided to delete, whatever I could as it said no free space. I sometimes restart and would run into a busy box on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 off and on these past several years since 2015 when I bought this laptop and particularly with Ubuntu or especially as I've had around 20 GB of space in this root partition this past year or longer. It can get full and then would not boot up. So, restarted my laptop. Went into BIOS or POST and turned on 2 or 3 things, as in everything I could, the Intel thing, the boost OS or OS optimizer if can thing. All the things that might allow the computer to go faster, to use more resources and it may only work with Windows. So, I was running into problems where the computer, not the Internet, was freezing up, even the clock, for months or longer it happens and it could be a number of issues.

It can be fun in the evening for people to play hide and seek in a garage, in the dark, mixed with tag, 2 on 1. I slipped once and fell on cement but I recovered. A combination sport with bouncy balls, basketball, football, soccer, baseball, volleyball, a box for my goal, a double door for them into background as their goal. It can be hard in the Lion King. Imagine thinking about nursery rhymes. Humpty dumpty. Knee. Pull muscle perhaps. Good to make plans. In Skip-Bo, I gathered 6 in my discard pile and had 3 or 4 other Skip-Bo cards, like a full house in a way, and I saved most of them for, well 3 close to the end and the rest even closer to get to 2 left and then I finished the rest my Skip-Bo cards and won. I aint no joke I make up songs when I hear humming. We will, we will, rock you, for the money which can go both ways in this universe. The hamster hid nuts in his mouth like he was a seagull hiding a baby or a snake hiding stuff or a kangaroo hiding me, a Joey, a baby kangaroo. Run on the wheel till hand Joey is gone and then spit out the food in the wheel as it must be a safe place. It is now 11:34 PM and we were playing till like 11:00 PM. Popcorn while playing Skip-bo, plus dark chocolate and cranberry juice which I love. I have tea now, so good. Imagine going in circles at Walmart. A rag on the carpet. Brushing teeth. Hallway. Not Hathaway. That Fox live on YouTube show, in the afternoon name that celebrity in the pictures game, I knew that one pic was Shakira. Be a doctor. Look at that car battery. Figure things out. How to stuff. Long term strategy. 4D chess. We are not playing chess, we are playing Skip Bo. That is right. Heater on for a second. Organized cords in my room in the afternoon including the 60 feet audio cable. I think 60 ft or close to it. Maybe more. I don't remember. Good to organize with rubber bands from a rubber band ball which serves as a bouncy ball too and yet some break when you peel off but that is ok, it is good to get rid of the broken ones. Pruning rubber bands. Imagine it was Willy Wonka Rubber Band Factory.

There are better alternatives to Twitter like Hive, Gab, Minds, Bitchute, Flote, Lbry, Telegram, Discord, Bit Torrent, etc, just Google it and you can find a long list of websites, etc.

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