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Helluva TOMATO HAUL!!!

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That's a Helluva LOT, but WHAT are they?

So, my tomato plants, started from seedlings in March, in my basement, are regularly producing fruit. A LOT of Fruit. But what exactly is this Tomato bounty?

Let's take a look, at the harvest photo Above:

Bottom Left in the White bowl, is Sweetie 100 Cherry Tomato, and the square basket next to it on right, is White Cherry Tomato. Both sets of Seeds are from MIGardener.
• 1 is San Marzano
• 2 is Roma tomato
• 3 is Beefsteak
• 4 is Black Sea Man or Black Tula
• 5 is Black Tula or Black Sea Man
• 6 is Cherokee Purple

Most of my Cherokee Purple Tomato are getting Attacked/Eaten. It's one reason why, I am harvesting them a week or so early, maybe a bit more. I hate that they are getting eaten. EXCEPT, it is one bite. Maybe one 1/3 of the tomato eaten. Aggravating.

Here's where it all Started: Starting Seeds a few months ago, in late winter.

Below I mentioned recently, that some of the fruit is getting large bites taken out. my guess is, some are Chipmunks, and some are Rabbit biting. Here's where they end up, when it is composting time. Not the old potato stalks, on top, too. That's from the Potato harvest a couple days ago.


Below I've mentioned before, that my Spaghetti Squash vines are getting some good fruit, on them. Tis true, tis true. in fact, the veggies are starting to get so big, I needed to make sure some sort of support was in place. Simple plastic cable ties and some plastic netting helps take the stress and strain off of the vines, so they don;t snap under the weight of the squash.



Above Both of these squash are from the same vine. The bottom (above) is about three weeks or so, older than the top image vegetable. The top is a small, about 6 inches, and the bottom is larger, about the size of a full Rugby ball or American Football.

Below Another shot of about 1/3rd of the Tomato plants growing. One of the smaller Cherry tomato plants is actually about on it's last legs. My suspicion is, ether TOO much water, or not enough nutrients.



Above Lastly, this is the Potato Grow Bag, from a few weeks ago. The one where I talked about the FIRST Potato harvest. Well, immediately replanted and here they come again.

I expect, with both potato bags planted, harvested, and now both replanted, I will likely get a second harvest, end of October.

I can't wait to see what the next harvest brings!

Feeding my family fresh, and naturally home grown food, makes me smile!

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Here's a quick RECAP post about Last Year's Garden.

Bluefin Studios


Bluefin Studios is a photographer, specializing in wildlife, nature, landscapes, waterfalls and Lighthouses!

Always, I strive to give back

To the animals and birds around me

to put more plants in than I take out

And be a good steward for the world around me!

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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