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A closer look at top AI coins, further reading required


The Graph - GRT $0.6701 USD (0.00001195 BTC)

Eth Contract GRT - UniSwap WETH/GRT

"The Graph is a protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains, starting with Ethereum. Developers build applications with open APIs called subgraphs to easily access on-chain data that is indexed by a network of node operators."


"Subgraphs are open source so anyone can use the APIs to build decentralized applications. Many Ethereum applications have already built subgraphs and use them today including: Audius, Uniswap, Opyn, ENS, DAOstack, Synthetix, Moloch and more."


"The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible."



Fetch.ai FET $0.7145 USD

0.00001276 BTC https://fetch.ai/

Artificial Intelligence for Blockchains
"Fetch.ai is building an open access, tokenized, decentralized machine learning network to enable smart infrastructure built around a decentralized digital economy."

Q3 Roadmap goals

  1. Ledger/ Mainnet
    interoperability of Fetch.ai with Ethereum/BSC through Gravity Bridge

  2. Agents
    Agent-world-5 test-net

  3. Collective Learning
    Art-generating collective learning project on Fetch.ai mainnet

  4. DeFI Agents
    Swap support, native payments and alerts for DeFi agents
    DeFi agents on Fetch.ai mainnet

Stake FET https://fetch.ai/staking/


"The primary purpose of the Fetch blockchain is that it serves as a “home for agents” with several features that make it particularly well-suited for this purpose. It also provides a bridge for routing FET tokens to other chains where the tokens can be used for agent-based services such as state-channels, oracles, scaling solutions and trading agents."

"The aim is to build an effective “App Store” for developers that allows you to access and build agents like never before."

Agent Framework: "The peer-to-peer agent communication network (ACN) allows your agents to interact with all other agents over the public internet." https://fetch.ai/technology/#aeas

"The promise of the Fetch.ai network is that a decentralized, multi-agent based system will be able to provide a new, personalized, privacy focused travel solution and change the way we view and work with the hotel and travel industry." https://fetch.ai/applications/

Ocean Protocol OCEAN $0.7558 USD

0.00001349 BTC https://oceanprotocol.com/



"Use Ocean Market app to earn by selling data and curating / staking on data. Use Ocean Protocol libraries to build your own app for secure, privacy-preserving data exchange."


EBay dataset https://market.oceanprotocol.com/asset/did:op:862923EE25fFcEA0bF73273703808D1C00295cC2

All walmart grocery product data https://market.oceanprotocol.com/asset/did:op:A777Cc9ADD960fe0BE76D06e757B9FE2920d64e3



"Our first Data Vault is for images. It is available on the Ocean Protocol marketplace. The contributors upload them, annotate them and then these contributions are verified. They are rewarded with datatokens so they become shareholders in the dataset. This combination of mechanics creates an intrinsic motivation to contribute positively. Our alpha is now available as web application."


"This dataset represents a collection of images and annotations as well as the software stack attached to it. The data is uploaded, annotated and verified by the dataset co-owners in exchange for datatoken rewards. The ownership will be similar to NFTs but one finished image and its annotation will be owned partially by all its contributors. Participants invest their time to co-own the dataset and improve its quality. The goal of this dataset is to be used for AI training via the Data Portal and compute-to-data."



Challenges: "For each category 20 QUICRA-0 datatokens are reserved as rewards."

SingularityNET AGIX $0.3221

0.000005751 BTC https://singularitynet.io/

"Within this framework, AI transforms from a corporate asset to a global
commons; anyone can access AI tech or become a stakeholder in its development.
Also, anyone can add an AI/machine learning service to SingularityNET for use
by the network and receive network payment tokens in exchange."


AI Marketplace https://beta.singularitynet.io/

"SingularityNET Service Integration into Android Apps — Opening the AI Marketplace to 2.5 Billion Customers" https://blog.singularitynet.io/singularitynet-service-integration-into-android-apps-opening-the-ai-marketplace-to-2-5-321c24094769


SongSplitter App for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.singularitylab.singsplit

"The free call model allows a restricted number of free payments to test service API, whereas the price per call model allows an unlimited number of calls to the service to be made, therefore the price per call model is the best option to use for service integration unless the developer wishes to only allow app users to use the service a limited number of times.

In the price per call model, each service call must be paid with tokens. To make a payment, the SDK needs to open a payment channel using a user-provided private key. All payments in the channel should be signed by that key."

DeOldify Photos https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/deoldify-colorizer

Real Time Voice Cloning

Prophet Sales Forcasting https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/fbprophet-forecast

Detect Action in Videos https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/i3d-video-action-recognition

Text Summaries

AI Opinion https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/sentiment-analysis

Detect Faces https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/face-detect

Market Trends https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/cntk-next-day-trend

Speech Recognition https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/speech-recognition

Semantic Similarity https://beta.singularitynet.io/servicedetails/org/snet/service/semantic-similarity-binary




Wait! Before you go, Switch to

Presearch! Visit https://presearch.org/
and setup to Earn PRE for internet searches.

"Search privately, receive better results and get rewarded with the Presearch decentralized search engine, powered by blockchain technology."


"The Presearch Keyword Marketing platform is similar to the Google AdWords platform, although there are a number of key differences due to the phase of the project and the unique opportunity to work with blockchain tokens to account for and transfer value."


"This means that if you buy PRE and stake them against keywords, you can receive traffic while you have them locked up. You can move or sell your PRE later once you stop using them for staking, making the traffic you received absolutely free."

Check out the Vision Paper PDF & GitHub/PresearchOfficial

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