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The Adventures of Freddy The Flea Pt 11


Previously on Freddy The Flea:

Fria followed the group that caught Freddy to their base. She managed to disguise herself with a coat like some of the Roughneck Flea’s wore. They disappeared into a large, guarded clump of hair, which Fria deemed too risky to access. She had an alternative plan, however, it wasn’t risk-free.

Part 11:

Fria quickly made her way back to where she’d found the passed-out Roughneck.


Moving amongst the shadows, she was hardly noticed by anyone.

When Fria got back to where he was sleeping, he was gone. She looked around and spotted him slinging amongst a small crowd ahead. She noticed he still had the bottle clasped in his hand when he took a big swig.

Fria managed to get within a few paces of this Roughneck. As she came up behind him, he grabbed an innocent bypasser.

“You took my coat,” he mumbled, grabbing the poor fellow by his neck.

“No, no sir,” his victim quickly said.

“Argh,” growled the Roughneck as he flung him to the side.

Fria remained as cool as a cucumber. She stuck to the shadows and made sure she was always within a few paces of him.

It didn’t take long for the Roughneck to have a grab at another victim. This time, his aim was off, and he went tumbling forward falling flat onto the ground. The bottle went rolling out ahead of him, and Fria realized this was her opportunity.

She made a jump for it, landed with her feet square at the bottle, and quickly snatched it up. She wanted to disappear into the shadows again when she heard him grumbling behind her.

“You took my jacket!”

He tried to get back up onto his feet, however stumbled to his knees. Fria saw a group heading in the right direction and attempted to blend in. Before she was completely out of sight, she heard him shout.

“Do you know who I am? I am DaFlea!”

Fria looked around and saw DaFlea back up on his feet, dusting himself off. He didn’t seem to want to come charging after her. He looked at her, then made his way to a nearby trough and splashed his face.

Fria quickly moved through the group, then disappeared into the shadows again. She kept looking back over her shoulder to see if she could spot DaFlea, however, he was nowhere in sight.

When she’d made her way back to the large clump of hair that Freddy had been taken into, Fria started dousing herself with the contents of the bottle and took a big swig. She attempted her best-drunk act as she started slinging out from the shadows, trying to stay just far enough away from the Ticks and the Coated Roughneck’s so they wouldn’t grab her.

She’d pulled the hoody completely down and went slinging along. There was still enough liquid left in the bottle, that it would occasionally splash out as she flung her arms around, seemingly attempting to maintain her balance.

Fria occasionally glanced up; however, no one had noticed her. As she thought she’d managed to slip past, her worst nightmare became true.

“Hey, DaFlea!” someone shouted out.

Fria froze for a second. She was both concerned and confused.

‘Are they calling me or the actual DaFlea?’ she thought.

Either way, it could not be a good scenario.

She wanted to start slinging along again, although much faster. Just as she got going, someone grabbed her by the shoulder. Fria didn’t know what to expect. Was it one of the Coated Roughnecks that recognized DaFlea’s coat, or could it be DaFlea?

As he turned Fria around, the Coated Roughneck said, “The guys want you to tell them that story about when you kicked the nail of the-“ he stopped mid-sentence as he realized it wasn’t DaFlea.

“Who are you?” he demanded, grabbing Fria by the coat.

“I, I,” was all that Fria could muster.

“Hey, come look here,” he said, calling to the others.

“This Flea is wearing DaFlea’s coat.”

There were a few gasps and some confusion, and they all seemed to be getting wearily ready for a fight.

“It can’t be,” one muttered from the side, as he carefully edged closer.

When he was close enough to confirm it was indeed DaFlea’s coat, he gasped. He got ready to blow on his whistle to call in extra reinforcements.

He drew a deep breath, and as he got ready to blow, DaFlea landed right in front of him, knocking the whistle from his hand. He seemed to appear out of nowhere, surprising everyone around, even Fria.

“What’s going on here?” asked one of the Coats, clearly confused.

“Well done Flea’s,” said DaFlea, “You have passed the test.”

They looked at each other, still not quite understanding what was going on.

DaFlea grabbed Fria from the other Flea, “Look what you’re doing to my coat!” he shouted.

“Uh, oh, sorry DaFlea.”

Then DaFlea looked at all of them. They cowered away slightly. Then he said, “You Flea’s did well today. I wanted to see if anyone would notice, and you didn’t disappoint me.”

They looked around and started gleaming. Some were nodding their heads up and down in agreement.

“Alright,” said DaFlea, “I’m going to take this peasant back to the fields. Stay aware, my friends.”

With that, he left with Fria at hand. She could hear them gloating about how good they are at their jobs, until their voices faded away.

When the two were far away enough, DaFlea pulled Fria into a shadowy corner.

“Who are you?” he demanded.

Previous Chapters:











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