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American Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 8 Gods of Culture

We are a slave to memetic systems. The people who set the context for the culture are immune to the consequences of their own ideology and protected by their social group, whereas the ordinary person suffers. False idols reign over us; unspoken Gods of Culture. Gods with contradictory rules that must be worshiped at all times, even in the privacy of thought.
We are so accustomed to these memetic systems that we cannot see them. We worship the false idols without knowing, without seeing.

These memetic systems are junk data for the consciousness and so compressed into the subconscious. It is like the halos that exist around all sources of lights. The halos are there, yet our vision discards it as junk data, noise against signal, and it is removed from your conscious depiction of your vision. Although unlike the halos, the Gods of Culture aren't just removed from our conscious vision and perception, but also they alter and control the flow of our conscious vision, our perception, our "feels", and our narrative view of the world.

They are downloaded to us through systems of mass consumption and spread memetically across the memosphere, ingraining themselves into our psyche, our soul, our spirit. Our very thinking and believing can be subverted by these Gods of Culture without us even knowing. Even if one is aware of these Gods of culture, they can effectively alter the meaning of words, and the general "feels" around something, slowly taking you in, and making you see and talk in their narrative, and through this one becomes entrapped. It's like standing on a slow moving walkway, one may not even be aware that they are moving, but before you know it you have traveled some distance. You may not think you are moving, but the slow moving walkway takes you subconsciously, and even if you think you are trying to argue against the system, you are speaking and playing within it's rules. It downloads itself into your psyche like the FedBoi malware downloads itself onto your phone...

Cultural Gods; Nigger, Jew, IQ

Let's break this down into a case study of three Gods of Culture.
First we have the Nigger God. As the copy pasta says

"American culture is centered around worshiping Niggers. They have holidays for Niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free Niggers. They listen to Nigger music. They elect a Nigger as their president. They dress and act like Niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from Niggers. They post sassy gifs about Niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of Niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of Niggers playing sports. They use Nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of Protestantism. They're thinking of the Nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with Niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with Niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with Niggers. Their men sit around watching Nigger ball while their women sit around watching Nigger talk shows and fantasizing about Nigger dick. They worship Niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before Niggers took over. Their movies are filled with Niggers and their music charts are topped by Niggers. They send Niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the Niggers win because those Niggers are true red blooded american Niggers. They watch Nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about Nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate Niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love Niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of Nigger loving Niggers."

How does the Nigger God maintain it's power? It's very simple.
You see it uses a narrative tool of making something "unspeakable" to give it power.
This narrative tool alters your perceptions and "feels" around the word Nigger. Inducing the the response this God of Culture wants you to have.
J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter series, uses this narrative tool for 'he who shall not be named' (the N-Word), Voldermort (Nigger).
This cultural God comes in many forms and uses it influence to attach pre-determined feels/ free-floating anxiety and perceptions to different subjects, things, ideologies, people, etc.
This Cultural God has a hold on many people. It's hold is so strong that in some countries they go as far as to create Blasphemy laws (hate crime laws) to police and ensure the will of these Gods of Culture. To the followers of these Gods, the will of the Gods must be maintained at all cost. Europe is a victim of rape from foreign Muslim grooming gangs, but due to the Nigger nature of these people, the children are sacrificed as victims to the Gods of Culture. The police services and politicians allow it. The Gods of Culture must be appeased.

So let's extrapolate from that onto the Jew God of Culture. First of all it something you're not supposed to say. One can make jokes about Christians, one can on some occasions make jokes about Muslims, but jokes about Jews are forbidden (haram). Even calling a Jew "a Jew" is forbidden. Jews themselves are Nigger Tier peoples; very ethnocentric and tribalistic, and with significant hatred of the out-group. Perhaps they were the first successful modern Nigger tier people to get glorified victim-hood status with their Holohoax story that they peddled for decades until it stuck.

In the 20th century the majority of Europeans were killed by Jews.

This statement would seem absurd to the modern man. This is because modern man has been fed a foundational myth of the Holohoax. People are fed a "MUH HOLOHOAX! 6 Gorrillion! POOR JEW!" narrative, whilst never being exposed to the many crimes committed in the 20th century on genocidal scales against multiples European peoples.

In many countries it is illegal to even question this Holohoax myth, with prison time as punishment, all in the name of preserving the Jew God. At the same time one can deny the genocidal massacres at the hands of blood maddened Jewish terrorists with no reprisal from the system. Such is the Jew God's hold. Even the Jew is controlled by the Jew God, as the Jew God is but similar to an idea possessing a person, and making them say the stock character phrases about how scared they felt as a Jew, as they would continuously attack others. Such was their way to cry out in pain as they struck you, with their fake-news and their opinion pieces. They couldn't help it. And those getting struck couldn't see it. They couldn't make sense of why it was happening. Why these people were doing this to them, and the Judeo-Media telling them it wasn't happening, so their brains denied it, not wanting to deal with the aporia it brings.

The Equality God controlled the narrative on differences. "Their was no difference", "We are all the same", "but also some people get special privileges because they are victims, or they are Elite". All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others.
This equality is based on the Jesuit idea that everyone has the same spark of God within them. It has transferred onto a secular Western nations, yet it is still bigoted and haram to question this religious concept!
God never dies. You can only replace the one true God with false idols, but God never dies. That is the folly of modern man for not realizing this. Christ is king.

We are not equal. That is all there is to say about equality, yet this basic concept is stripped from the mind of the modern man. Us all being equal (having the same spark of God) is nonsense. We are all sparks of God, but what you do with that spark, and how much kindling you bring determines your value. You want to know the value of a man? Look at his abs. Look at his works. See him soar! Or does he sink?

The Equality God is another Nigger tier God.
It gains it power from the Nigger God. Niggers are a god, and the retards of society are the Nigger tier people. This is why we are forced to pretend they are equal to us, or that the retards don't exist. This belief system is detrimental to the whole population. Within the population there will always be a certain percentage of Niggers, but within some populations there will be a higher concentration of Niggers than others. This causes a sinkage, a drain on those people. Imagine being from a population with one nigger per 100, and being in a small town. It wouldn't be much of a detriment to you, but if it was 5 niggers per 100, gangs would form, and the damage to society would be niggerfied exponentially. When we know the causes of barbarification of supposedly civilized inner cities, yet we refuse to act on it out of fear of offending the Equality God. We hurt all those who suffer. Even the retards deserve more than to be pushed into a society which they cannot navigate.
And don't get me started on IQ, or productivity of different population groups and the detrimental effects of bringing less productive people into your country, and the declining standards that brings. Or even the effects of bringing ethnocentric high kinship selection people into your individualistic consoomerist society.

So what I am trying to tell you American Nigger Hunter X is that the world is worshiping false Gods. But they cannot see it, and I am here to save them.
"Wow Jesus! You are so wise!"
As Jesus revved the engine, the huwhite inmates of the Asylum charged the police line. The old timey suit guy whose daughter had been mutilated by GloboHomo led the charge. He had acquired an anti-GloboHomo device.


I totally forget to mention, but I totally made a plan with the inmates earlier on, to break out or something. I dunno, but I forgot to tell you. It's probably pretty important to the plot-line if you haven't been following. Whatever bro, you try maintaining cannon. But you wouldn't believe what happened next!!! Trust me bro! The show is just getting started.
And what happened next was a miracle from Jesus Christ himself. Jesus Christ revved the engine.


We stared the police head one. I finally began to understand the stories that Jesus had told me. These people in front of me were of no authority. That was just a cultural God controlling me. They were GloboHomo Bugmen. Name them and they lose their strength. And oh boy did I feel strong, because I was American Nigger Hunter X!

Helicopters flew above, spotlights aimed on the revving car. The GloboHomo Bugmen line ahead blocked our path.
Jesus slammed the pedal to the metal as he switched gears in a Christ like manner. It was like that scene at the end of the matrix when Neo totally waved his hand at the machines outside the matrix and they died. Jesus raised his hands like Neo trying to pull off a super move. The Bugmen all fell to the ground, and then we anti-climatically slowly navigated threw them. I saw in the mirror that the helicopters crashed into several orphanages. It looked awesome.
"What did you do?" I inquired to the lord himself, Jesus Christ.
"I turned their water into wine, don't worry about it, they will all wake up soon with a mega hangover. No one had to die today" Jesus smiled as he sped off into the distance.
I considered telling Jesus about the helicopters or the asylum inmates I saw in the mirror attacking and mutilating the unconscious GloboHomo Bugmen, but Christ worked in mysterious ways. I was merely the passenger.


As we sped out of there and escaped that scene I thought about what had brought me here. Chicom Chang in the backseat. Jesus taking the wheel. How did it happen? Was it predestination. Was it the one true God himself acting through me? Was I a conduit? Or was I still a slave? Could I see? Can I see? Am I capable of seeing? How much power did these Gods of Culture have over me? And how much free will was I capable of? Did freewill exist merely within pockets of moments? These were questions I would have to find out, and only by going deeper could I achieve that.
It was time to save the Jew.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles

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