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American Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 11 Day of the Rope

"Time to defeat the Satanic Jews!" I said pumping by pump-action shotgun cross.
"Amen to that!" Detective Blackman said racking his dual cross-SMGs.
We sped furiously towards the meet point. Jesus taking the wheel. Detective Blackman and I were in the back talking about ol' times, and all the Niggers we used to bust.

These days it was illegal to bust niggers. Judeo-sponsored groups would fund judeo-propaganda to get judeo-courts to release violent niggers on bail, all the while using Judeo-MK Ultra techniques to get the Niggers to drive through white christian crowds. The Judeo-corporate media would cover this all up. It was like the genocide of 60 million white Christians in Russia by Jewish ideologues in the 20th century. Such was the satanic judeo way, but now they used the nigger as an attack dog; it's why they streamed endless nigger propaganda at the black communities, to niggerfy them.
Nigger culture had been crafted in such a way, that even if you were a black man immune to it, that would only make you a target of the niggers, for the mere fact of you not being a nigger. Many black Einsteins had been gunned down by bix nood niggers, and no one cared. The only thing Niggers hated more than Niggers was non-niggers. Civilized and intelligent blacks would remind them of their shortcomings, and make them feel small and prone to chimp out.

I didn't know if there was an answer to the black question. Race realism was real, and although individualism, hard work, objectivity, punctuality, nuclear family, respect for authority, delayed gratification, impulse control, etc could be found within non-white individuals, these traits were chiefly concentrated in Western white populations. It was a combination of genetics and cultural influences. Our society was designed to reward these traits, and so actively discriminated against non-white groups. When segregation was removed from America, the black middle class vanished, and black Wall Street got absorbed by Judeo-Wall Street.
Segregation and ethnostates were not the answer. Although non-white groups were higher in ethnocentrism and loved to self-segregate, they would always seek to move to white Western countries to enjoy the fruits of the white man's labour. Perhaps understanding and accepting our differences was the first step. Just because the non-whites and Jews were parasites, didn't mean they were lesser people, it was just how they had evolved to survive.
The traits that white man had in high concentrations were difficult to evolve as these traits presupposed a society in which working gave fair rewards. Christ led the way, and planted the seeds that made white man bloom, but now it was being undone on a societal scale by jealous Jews and uppity minority groups.

As I looked out the window at the desecrated Christian country, I couldn't believe how much the world had changed in such a short time. Why could my fellow Americans not see this? Why weren't you fighting back? Our Christian values had been subverted, and that which remained was being steam rolled to make way for judeo-communist egalitarianism which presupposes every one and every group to be equal. The Judeo-value system they wanted to instill did not reward hard work, or any of the traits which made white populations so successful. These traits were being selected against. Innovation had stalled in the last 30 years. Could we restore society? Could we stop the collapse? Could we avoid the cataclysm?


"Our fellow anti-GloboHomo operatives should be just up ahead." I told Jesus.
We had enlisted the help of fellow anti-GloboHomo warriors for this final mission.
Jesus put the gear to maximum, as he accelerated towards our fellow anti-GloboHomo brothers.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed as he mowed them all down.


Jesus explained "Don't worry about it. They glowed".
"Now that I think about it, there was always a certain Bugman quality to them" Detective Blackman said scratching his stubble.
"Looks like we are going to have to do this without reinforcements..."
The glowies would have no doubt turned on us the first chance they got.
Jesus did a donut, and then sped off.

The best way to deal with glowies was to kill them. They had thrown their hat in with GloboHomo and were willing to destabilize the country, destroy lives, and cause countless deaths. The majority of terrorist attacks in America were funded by Glowies, and they took that money from the taxpayer!
No mercy could be given. It was an American duty to kill these fifth columns, and those who controlled them. Even the press would get the rope. Freedom of the press, is not freedom from consequences. Such was the prophecy, the Day of the Rope.
I didn't want it, but It loomed near. The Nietzschean last men calling themselves elites willed it with their hubris. Such was the way of the masses that they would inevitably devour the elites. All that anger, all that rage, built up through decades of trauma propaganda, us versus them, me versus you. All of us were merely sands of grain, drifting with the flow, not realizing or enacting freewill. Never breaking free of the ideas that possess us. Never stopping in defiance of the flow and saying "No, you move!"
The Day of the Rope would merely be a psychological snapback. Not preplanned, or thought out, just floating in the cultural milieu, waiting until its script was needed.

Jesus told me that violence was wrong, and never the answer. Except for in minecraft.
Violence was never the answer. Or was it always the answer? The state held power through threats and actualization of violence on those who do not comply. It was this threat of violence that maintained order, but its power was dependent on authority, and that authority had to be legitimate. Anyone paying attention to recent court cases could see that legitimacy was being stripped away. The law was no longer being enforced by the letter, buy by Judeo-activist prosecutors. They fought not for truth and justice, but to signal their virtues to their satanic cult. The cultists didn't know any better. To them it was politically correct to do so.
The term politically correct came from Juedo-Soviet Russia.
They would would joke "Comrade that report you filled out is not factually correct!"
To which the comrade would respond "Yes comrade, but it is politically correct!"
The joke was a sober reminder that loyalty to the cult came before truth, anyone who was politically incorrect would be sent to the gulags.

Was Jesus right that violence was never the answer? Violence becomes the answer when you run out of ideas to combat your enemy. It is a lack of intelligence, wisdom, rationality, knowledge that leads to this answer. But it was always so easy just to kill your enemies.
"If we can just kill those people over there we can finally be free."
When would it end? Could Jesus bring peace?

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" Jesus said, as if reading my mind.
Christianity was a sword that would cut through the Satanic cabal.
"Christ is king!" I shouted out the window at the satanic city.



We parked across the road from the Steinbergoldsilverstein tower. If Chet's intel was correct, Big Nose would be at the top.

Chet and Moham Radar sat in a van nearby monitoring the situation. Moham Radar used his ability to talk with trees and rocks, and he confirmed there was a very high concentration of Jews in the Steinbergoldsilverstein Tower.
"Everything is up to you my sons" Jesus spoke to Detective Blackman and I.
It would just be us two. Bringing Jesus in through the atrium would be too dangerous. You wouldn't believe our plan!


Detective Blackman and I both wore long trench coats to hide our myriad of cross weapons. I held a large duffel bag that contained one of our many surprises.
We approached the Steinbergoldsilverstein tower. The statue of Moloch stared at me. I could feel its evil presence eroding my soul, trying to get me to commit to a life of degeneracy and turn away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. A statue of a young girl stood in front of Moloch. Obviously they had covered a living young girl in cast iron to make that statue. They had sacrificed many people to Moloch this way over the millennia. Jeffrey Epstein's paedo island was just one of many. The temple there was used to sacrifice runaway kids and other kids who would not be missed. They would first rape and defile the kids, before commencing the sacrifice. It was through these rituals, and secret video evidence of the attendees, that they managed to capture Western institutions and get them to go against Western Christian values. They had targeted scientists for decades, which is how they spun the GloboHomo fake global warming narrative about having to pay more taxes to control the weather, and how they got so many scientists to go along with saying that a meme-flu is akin to the bubonic plague. Today was about getting revenge on these bastards. We were going to stop them, and expose them to the world. Once the GloboHomo signal tower was destroyed people would realize They Live.

As we entered into the atrium I heard Detective Blackman say "shiiiiiiiiieeeeeeet" under his breath.
"Me too brother, me too..."
The entrance lounge was full of all sorts of kvetching and pilpuling. So many Steinbergoldsilverstein and Shekelbergs in one place.
We had to get past security to get to the elevators, which were just beyond the reception.
We cautiously approached the reception while eyeing up the security. One would think that some powerful king must reside in this building to demand so much security. Judeo-Black Rock security covered every floor. They wore the latest body armour, and had all the latest equipment, paid for by the American taxpayer. This wasn't going to be an easy infiltration mission. It would be no walk in the park.

Behind the reception was a list of all the Judeo-Satanic-Organisations; Big-Judeo-Pharma, Big-Judeo-News, Big-Judeo-Pornography, Big-Judeo-Media, Big-Judeo-Bank, Big-Judeo-Paedowood, etc, the list went on. This tower was concentrated, full of satanic organizations.
All of which had Satanic names appealing to Satan/Saturn's black cube, or they used Satanic word play. It was in plain sight, but to the average Goyim, and the Judeo-education they received, they didn't know any better. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

"Hi, can I help you?" the Judeo-receptionist asked in a friendly demeanour.
She had shark eyes, and a fake nose which betrayed her. Her friendly nature was merely camouflage for any unsuspecting Goyim who walked in. But I was not unsuspecting. I was suspecting. In a heart beat she would sacrifice us to Moloch if given the chance.
"Sorry, can I help you with anything? Are you here to see someone?"
I had spaced out. I was just standing there in front of the reception. Detective Blackman was starting to sweat. The receptionist was waiting for me to respond, but I just kept standing there saying nothing. Had she used some sort of Judeo-power to freeze me? Something about her breasts caught my eye...
"Christ is king!" I shouted out to restore my power levels.
"Excuse me!" the receptionist said, taken aback by the holy power of these words.
I could see security from the upper levels of the atrium looking at us. They were on to us. I had to do something fast.
"Chris asking!" I shouted out.
Detective Blackman interjected "Sorry about my friend. He has autism and is a bit retarded. We are here to see John Goldman, appointment for Jack Murphy."
We were on caution, but Detective Blackman's quick thinking got us in the clear.
"Seventh floor" the receptionist said smiling as she passed us an elevator key.
Chet had used his connections to get us an appointment on the seventh floor. From there we could make our way to the top using the executive lift.

All we had to do was get past the security...
As we approached the metal detectors I gave Detective Blackman one last final look.


He was composed and ready for action.
"Put your bag on the conveyor belt" the Judeo-security Goyim asked me.
I placed the duffel bag down. As the bag went through the x-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector. Detective Blackman walked through the other metal detector.
Both metal detectors went off..
"Sorry sir I am going to have to pat you down" the Goyim guard said as he got out his handheld metal detector.
The Judeo-security Goyim in charge of the x-ray machine said one thing as the duffel bag passed through.
"Holy shit!"

To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles
Chapter 8 Gods of Culture
Chapter 9 The Twin Towers
Chapter 10 Totalitarianism of Compassion

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