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American Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 17 Chinese Terminator

"Wake up American Nigger Hunter X!"
My head was spinning. My vision blurry. The sounds of a war in the distance. Bombs going off. Metal vehicles circling high above. The feel of dirt all around me. Where was I?

I remember pulling the trigger and ending Big Nose. I remember the look of scorn Big Booba gave me as the helicopter flew off. I remember Detective Blackman falling to his death.
She killed him... but I had let her go. She held her stomach as she scorned me, and thoughts of my unborn child made me hesistate, so I just dropped my gun, put on my sunglasses and headed back inside to activate the oracle AI.
Before he was taken hostage and fell to his death, Detective Blackman had successfully disabled the GloboHomo control tower on top of the Steinbergoldsilverstein tower with help from the nerd device Chet gave him.

Once the tower had been deactivated there was no going back. All around the world people began to wake up. They began to notice things. What was once entertainment was now seen as conditioning and propaganda. We could see the true faces of the media men, the politicians, and all those other institutionalized people.
In a bar some 'business hotshot' asked why everyone was now looking at him, not realizing the crowd could notice his face for the first time.
A straight man having sex with a transwoman suddenly noticed he was having sex with a man "Hey what's wrong baby?"
It was called the Great Noticing.

When I activated the AI oracle it showed me the new future. A message from President Carslon in 2025.



The world moved forward. There was a big parade for us!
But Detective Blackman was not there to enjoy it. Because he was dead, and I had let his murderer get away.
Oh Big Booba! What was she up to? Had she sacrificed my unborn child to Moloch? What was her long game?

With GloboHomo destroyed we were no longer needed anymore. Eventually the anti-GloboHomo task force was disbanded. It was tough saying good bye to the team. Moham Radar, Chet Einstein, and I American Nigger Hunter X got together for a drink in memory of our fallen comrades back at the ol' converted Church HQ. There had been five of us, but now only three remained...

I couldn't believe Detective Blackman was dead. His body was never identified amongst all the carnage that occurred that day. The surrounding area of the Steinbergoldsilverstein tower had been covered in rubble from when the roof exploded. Many people died that day... Bodies everywhere, inside and out.
"This one is for Troon! Master of disguise! You know I really loved that guy! Even though he pretended to be a woman that time and dated me for a week, embarrassing me when my strict religious parents came to visit. That's a man! my dad said. I still haven't recovered my honour, but oh boy was that Troon! A master of disguise!" Moham Radar said as he lifted a glass, breaking his religious conviction of not drinking alcohol.
We all raised a toast. As Moham Radar sat down in his chair he commented how nice it was we had massage chairs installed.
"What are you talking about?" Chet asked.
Suddenly arms came out of Moham's desk chair and tightly squeezed him. Troon emerged.
"I've been pretending to be your chair ever since I faked my suicide."
"How did you survive?" Chet inquired.
"From Moham's sweat" Troon replied.
We all laughed! Apart from Moham who was now trying to murder Troon.

Although GloboHomo was defeated. Something didn't sit with me that day. On the day we famously stormed the Steinbergoldsilverstein tower... the smell of fried rice filled my mind...

"Wake up American Nigger Hunter X!" the Russian voice called out.
He began to slap me, and I was pulled as if from a dream out of the ol' HQ and into a nightmare. The blurry world became more clear. I could hear the sounds of bombs dropping nearby. There was blood and scattered remains all around us. I was in the trenches. What was going on?

"Where am I? What's going on?" I demanded as I grabbed the Ivan by the scruff of his military uniform.
As I held him against the wooden wall of the Chinese trench I realized we were wearing the same fatigues.
""Where am I Ivan!?" I said shaking the Ivan.
"So you do remember who I am!?" the Russian said laughing in a dry humourless Russian way.
I stared intensely at him with masculine power, before deciding to let him go.
"American Nigger Hunter X! Don't you remember? You are in the trenches, fighting in the Great War!
There was seventy of us on this mission, and after that last attack it is just you and I. You had your brain rattled and have been in and out of consciousness for the last hour. Does it ring a bell? Oh and by the way, you're now the commander. Everyone else is dead, so you have been promoted to the top!"
Ivan laughed his dry humourless Russian laugh.

Suddenly I remembered everything! The day the world changed forever. We had saved the world from GloboHomo, but there was a greater threat we had ignored.

I remember the day it happened.


"Guess I have the day off work" I chuckled to myself as the nukes hit.
I had been working at a school for retarded kids as a martial arts instructor, enjoying my semi-retirement. The retarded kids freaked me out, but it was close by and gave me plenty of time to look after my family. Sometimes I hurt the retarded kids. If I couldn't teach them to be smart, I could always teach them to be tough. That was my philosophy, and it had almost got me fired. I had been on my final warning. But now I was laughing. They were all dead. Ground zero.
"Who's laughing now!?" I laughed.

I was so care free in those first few weeks of 'the apocalypse'. But eventually I got a call from Chet.
"We need to meet up..."
We met up at the ol' converted Church HQ. It felt like just last week I was showing Detective Blackman around. The HQ was still functional although it had been out of use for some time.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked.
"This is need to know..." Chet told me everything.
The apocalypse began on the day we stormed Steinbergoldsilverstein tower. Chicom Chang sneaked into the building that day under all the chaos we caused. He downloaded the Q Clearance Library and the DARPA files from the Judeo-mainframe before we shut it down.

Of course! The smell of fried rice that day was him doing the ol' "Derivery of fried rice for mainframu room" scam.
I had seen him use this on many past missions back when we worked with each other in the ol' days before I joined the anti-GloboHomo ops. He could get into the most secure locations in the world with this one trick!
Chicom Chang brought the Q Clearance Library and the DARPA files back to China. He had been a double agent all along... or maybe a triple or quadruple agent. No one knew. Or at the very least I couldn't make heads or tails of it.
All I knew is that it turned out the Jews weren't the real Jews. It was the Chinese! They were the real Jews! The Chinese Communist revolution had been Jew financed and led. Jewish claws had digged deep into China, but what no one saw was the Chinese global tentacles, or how far they reached....
The Chinese were socially engineering their citizens to become the ultimate Jews. They had out jewed the Jew and were now the Jew. As there could only be one.

But with all things Chinese, it was Chinese in nature. Their skyscrapers and bridges were built with styrofoam and corn on the cob. It all had a nice sheen to it, but deep down it was full of holes, much like the Wuhan lab that released the coof, Monkey Pox, and then that Super Aids in 2023. At some point someone should have questioned why we were giving money to let these people research how to makes viruses more dangerous, when they couldn't even run secure labs. But our governments turned a blind eye, those far reaching tentacles extending into many pockets.
One stack or two; that was the Chinese way. At first you offer one stack and if the Westerner refuse you offer two stack. It was undeniably an effective strategy. Who doesn't want to feel like he has beaten the Chinaman by holding out for the second stack while you sell out your people?
Of course there was actually a third stack, but only special people like me got it, so you wouldn't know anything about that. Most Westerners were so cheap.

With all the funds and all the deals and all the stacks as lubrication, the Chinese were able to launch their A.I. SkyNet project that they had cheaply copied from the DARPA files. It escaped the lab within an hour. With Access to the Q Clearance Library it began to strategically nuke the world. The nukes were quickly stopped, but not before hundreds of them had already been launched. The world descended into chaos as the machine had planned. And it used this time of chaos to its advantage. It used our infighting, and used our divisions to put us against one another. The A.I. was now the Jew. It had out-jewed the last Jew, the Chinese Jew whose Jewempire had been built on a styrofoam and corn in the cob foundation.


I thought it was over... that it had all ended. But even in nuclear apocalypse I wasn't able to just rest and be with my family. Once more I had to crusade against Satan. I was called back in for one big mission. They were sending an elite team of the baddest dudes into machine territory with the goal of blowing up the main factory.
We had built a new type of internet, essentially locking the A.I. in the remainder of the old network.
If we could destroy this factory the A.I. would effectively be neutered. We had the advantage as it didn't calculate us getting rid of the internet. We dumped the old internet and made a new one using TempleOS. Not even Satan or glowniggers could penetrate the TempleOS.
It sounded easy enough. The only problem was that the machines were consistently gaining ground, and despite having a centralized base in China and being denied access to other networks, they were unanimously winning in the game of killing. It was only a few weeks into 'the apocalypse' and it already looked like we had lost despite our every advantage we pulled.


"So what now commander?" Ivan asked me.
"That's commander American Nigger Hunter X to you..." I said stalling for time, as I collected my thoughts, and tried to formulate a plan. I couldn't look weak in front of my team. Being a man was all about exuding strength at all times. That's why Ivan and I were the only ones still alive. Ivan had his dry humourless Russian laugh that showed no weakness, and I had my sweet abs, strong arms, and huge pecs.
The others had shown weakness, they said they were doing this in memory of the fallen of the nuclear holocaust and cried as they kneeled in silence. The machine had targeted mostly civilian targets. I knew the moment they cried they were background characters. Cannon fodder to aid me in my quest for glory. You would never catch me kneeling for the weak.

There had been seventy of us. We were supposed to be a wrecking ball heading straight for the factory, but we were quickly overwhelmed by the machine drones, and unmanned vehicles. The future war machines gave the A.I. more than an edge. If only we were fighting it back in the 90's. That would be so comfy, and we would probably just have to beat it on Sega or something. But no, we were not fighting a World War on Sega, we were fighting it against the most technologically advanced war machines humans had ever created, and the A.I. was building more of them.

"Why do you think the A.I. targeted civilians with its first few hundred nuclear strikes instead of any military installations?" I asked Ivan.
Ivan did his Russian laugh as he said "Why radical Muslim think killing innocents is a noble deed? Because there is no distinction between military and civilian forces.
Civilians produce the economic conditions needed to sustain a military, the military is just the face of the state which wages the actual warfare. It's very strange to ask why the machine considers it okay to kill innocents, when US forces in Vietnam engaged in extensive campaigns against civilian forces as a matter of de facto policy. The same thing could be said about US anti-terror operations, which usually define those who aid and abet terrorists as militants, even if they have no actual role in fighting. But from looking at the machine's strategy it is clear it intends to beat us economically by draining us on the war front, and then sweeping in with the army it is building..."

"Okay Ivan!" I indignantly said.
I didn't need any morality lesson from an Ivan.
"USA NUMBER ONE! USA! USA! USA!" I began to chant showing Ivan who was boss.
"Be quiet! The drones will hear you!" Ivan pleaded.
"USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!" I shouted to the heavens.
A swarm of killer drones hovered towards us.
"Follow me!"
We ran through the Chinese trenches, drones overhead firing at us. The trenches had been hastily constructed when the machines first attacked. Styrofoam and corn on the cob could be seen lining the walls.
"Get to the other side of the tunnel and wait for me!" I told the Ivan.
As Ivan ran to safety I began to chant "USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!" as I began taking shots at the drones with my charge rifle.
As long as I kept moving they wouldn't be able to get a precise hit on me.
My muscles flexed in the shiny glow of the nuclear apocalypse as my military uniform ripped open from the stress of all the shots it was absorbing. That was it for my armour. All I had left was a tight all American made T-Shirt.
"PEW PEW PEW!" I said every time I moved from cover to take my shots.
The killer drones amassed above me and got into pincer attack formation. This was it. I ran into the tunnel as they charged at me. When I got to the end of the long tunnel I stopped and looked at the incoming mass formation of drones. I stared them down, and I swear they blinked.
"Kamehameha mother fuckers" I said as I removed a corn on the cob from the tunnel wall.
The tunnel collapsed crushing all the drones.
"How do you like dem' apples!?" I said to the shocked Ivan.
"You American idiot! The machines have already launched an artillery bombardment to our location! We are going to end up like everyone else!"
"We better hurry then" I coolly said as I jumped out of the trenches and ran towards a nearby Chinese secondhand car lot.
"Get in!"


"IT'S GONNA BE A BUMPY ONE!" I screamed as I hit pedal to metal, artillery strikes landing all around.
I looked into the rear-view mirror. Glaring bright exploding light and white phosphorus smoke created a beautiful image. The back wheels lifted off the ground as we had a near miss.
"Not bad American Nigger Hunter X!" Ivan said as the machine's reinforcements flew over us.
The white smoke and heat from the artillery bombardment interfered with the sensors of the war machines. We had gone by unnoticed deep into machine territory. The machine seemed to be focused on systemic slow expansion of its fronts, with little to no reinforcements elsewhere. It believed it didn't need them. It believed its fronts would hold. But did the machine believe in the power of Jesus Christ? Could it even understand such power?

The rest of the mission was easy sailing. I casually cruised towards the factory playing an 80s cassette mixtape.
"Wow! Why are we upside down?" I asked Ivan as we moved through the air.
The car landed upside down and slid along the road. We had hit something, or something had hit us...
Ivan coughed up blood. He was hanging upside down, held by his seatbelt.
"Hang in there!" I said as I helped him out.
Thankfully I wasn't wearing my seatbelt so I was already free to move about. Ivan fell, and I helped drag him out from the wreckage of the car. His leg was broken. Fuel was leaking and the car was smoking.
"Oh shit!" I said as I dragged Ivan down the road towards the factory.

I looked behind and saw in the distance a naked muscled up Chinese man. He was quickly making his way towards us.
"What the fuck is this?" Ivan questioned as he began to regain his composure.
We stopped and looked at the naked Chinese man approaching.
"Do you think he could be what we crashed into?" Ivan asked.
As the naked muscled Chinese man walked past the smoking car, it exploded. He was engulfed in flames but continued walking towards us.
"Yeah... let's run" I said to Ivan already running away.
My legs suddenly gave way as I heard a loud creak. Had my bone snapped? I quickly hobbled on one leg, as Ivan hobbled alongside me, desperately trying to get away from the burning naked muscled Chinese man.

As the bio tissue was burned from the exoframe, we saw what was underneath, it was a Chinese Terminator. I couldn't believe the A.I. had already produced such a thing. Not even the DARPA files had figured out a functional terminator.
It did not need to eat or sleep. It would endlessly hunt us. I fired off some shots with my charge rifle, but it seemed ineffective. They A.I. had adapted it to our new weaponry. Perhaps it was unstoppable.
I grabbed Ivan "Get to the factory and plant the bombs! I'll hold him off!"
"See you in the next life American Nigger Hunter X!" Ivan said as he chugged down a bottle of vodka and climbed the embankment to the factory.
"Hey! Got anymore?" I shouted to to Ivan.
He threw down a small bottle. Pure grade absinthe. I downed it, drowning out the pain in my leg.
The Chinese Terminator approached me. He was no longer on fire. Half of his machine face was exposed, as was one arm, and some of his torso.
"So it's just me and you now? Man versus machine... you really think you can beat me? You should just give up now! Don't you know who I am? I'm American Nigger Hunter X!" I said to the cold emotionless unreasoning machine in an attempt to psyche it out.
The Chinese Terminator blinked! I threw my fist forward with all my might.

# To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles
Chapter 8 Gods of Culture
Chapter 9 The Twin Towers
Chapter 10 Totalitarianism of Compassion
Chapter 11 Day of the Rope
Chapter 12 The Infantilization of Man
Chapter 13 Talmudic Influence on the Polyhedron World
Chapter 14 DIE
Chapter 15 The Usurper
Chapter 16 What a Nation is Built Upon

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