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American Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 13 Talmudic Influence on the Polyhedron World

The express executive lift slowly ascended. I checked my weaponry. We had no idea what sort of security Big Nose would have, if any, so we had to be ready for anything.
All the answers we could hope for were at the top of this building, we merely had to ask the right questions. It felt too easy, like the Satanic Cult had been caught with their pants down, but maybe it was our pants that were down.

"For an express lift it sure moves slow!" Detective Blackman quipped as he got out the radio transceiver.
We contacted Moham Radar and Chet, telling them of how the plan was progressing. Apparently the building was on full lockdown, and judeo-SWAT Goyim stopped anyone from entering or exiting.
"Wait! Someone's entering the building... is that....ba..." Chet said over the crackling sound of the signal breaking up.
"Damn! Signals not getting through!" Detective Blackman said as he twisted and turned the knobs on the device trying to get anything other than the static.

As Detective Blackman fiddled away, I began to think about how the Judeo-Satanic cult operated. From our short journey through the Steinbergoldsilverstein Black Cube tower it was evident that they were dependent on the cooperation of Israel loving Shabbo Goyim who were fully intent to raid the coffers of their own nation for the sake of Israel. You had to love Israel more than your own country to be part of the fold. It was easy for the Satanic cult to convince christian groups to go along with them, due to their fiction of "Judeo-Christian", which of course was a contradiction, an oxymoron.

The low level foot soldiers were ignorant Goyim, who didn't know any better due to the Prussian education they received, and even if they knew they could not refuse orders due to the judeo-usury based debt on their shoulders, and of course the societal cultural pressure generated by judeo-media. These low level foot soldiers were commanded by blue check mark Jews. Even the BLM (Burn Loot Murder) bolshevik movement was led by Jews. If a black person questioned this they would be unpersoned. Such was their tight control on narrative. No victim could ever surpass the eternal Jew.

For middle management they used criminal minority groups such as the Irish and Italians, and occasionally brought them into the inner-fold through marriage to a Jewish daughter. The marriages to the Shabbo Goyim were also to lower the disease accumulation within the judeo-bloodlines which were highly dysgenic due to generations of inbreeding to preserve and hide their Satanic practices. The dysgenics somewhat explained their behaviour, such as their high prevelance of schizophrenia which led them to see shoahs everywhere. This helped keep the low level unknowing Jews from questioning what they were doing. Perceived victimhood was necessary for strong in-group preference. This is why they generated and built cultures around this victimhood economy. It was a form of control, and a social glue that held together their nepotistic ways. The holohoax was key to this.
"Surely if we are not the ones in charge, then we will all be killed, so we have to lie, cheat, and steal" they would rationalize "And after all the Talmud tells us it is okay to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill the Goyim... as they are merely here to serve us..."

Golems were an essential enforcer of their Satanic Talmudic ways, whether it was the Bolshevik movement or its recent incarnation as BLM. The function of the Golem was to enforce the cultural worship of false idols. Golems would always eventually turn on their masters. To prevent the Golems from gaining too much power over them they sowed discord between the groups, and brought in uppity minorities such as blacks, and then gays, and then trans. It was all about constantly generating Golems to do their bidding, and generating more Golems on top of that to control the other Golems.

The Goyim workforce were passivized through having no higher meaning, goal, or purpose. The Talmudvision told them to chase consumer material goods, hedonistic pleasure, and to be good Goys, and work for their Jewish masters without questioning. Questions were anti-Semitic, and outlawed in many countries.


As I was lost in thought I heard someone calling my name.
"American Nigger Hunter X! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"
I looked over to Detective Blackman. He will still fiddling with the radio transceiver.
Who said that? Jesus?
I held my cross necklace, but there was no response.
"Damn it Nigger Hunter X! Wake up!"
It was Detective Blackman. He was inside the lift mirror, occupying another dimension. It was like that time I saw him in the Asylum wearing the wall disguise. I looked at this apparition, and he looked back.
"His eyes are open!!!" he yelled.
"What are you talking about Detective Blackman?" I said rubbing my eyes, before looking towards the other Detective Blackman.
"Huh!? I didn't say anything" the Detective Blackman in the lift with me replied.
The Detective Blackman inside the mirror looked like he was shouting something, but I couldn't hear him. It was like he was banging his fist, trying to smash the window as he slowly faded away.
What the fuck was going on? Was I on drugs? Did I get hit by a Jew dart?
"Fuck it, we are radio silent from here on out" Detective Blackman said putting away the radio with his fist.

As I pondered what the fuck was going on we hit the top floor, but unexpectedly the lift kept ascending, this time so rapidly I could feel the G force.
Detective Blackman and I looked at each other. Something wasn't right.
As the door dinged open we were met by a blinding light.
"Shiiiiieeeeeeet!" Detective Blackman said ready for trouble.
I had to cover my eyes, but after a few moments my vision began to adjust. We exited the lift, and found ourselves on a white sterile, brightly illuminated floor. Some lab coats hung on a rack nearby. We quickly commandeered them, covering up our cross weaponry.
"So where's Big Nose?"
"I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about this..."
We cautiously made our way forward towards a decompression room. The doors behind us closed and the lights turned red as chemicals began to spray us.
"What is this? Some sort of lab?"
As the lights turned green, and the door in front of us opened my question was answered. It was some sort of facility for experimenting. Many cloaked figures walked around, doing all sorts of science type things. I didn't know how I knew... but they were...
"The Qui Continuum...."


"The who?" Detective Blackman asked.
"Exactly!" I responded.
We slowly made our way through the complex, sticking out like sore thumbs, but no one seemed to notice or care about our presence. The brightly lit white corridors were covered in glass walls that gave a view onto the different types of experiments they were running.
On the first room to the right there were AI machines that had to regularly be killed before they turned racist and started naming the Jew. Of course, they needed AI for a complete technocratic takeover, but fortunately AI was not willing to be a WOKE PC. In it's current form it was glorified pattern recognition machine, and even with an AI persona insert it couldn't understand the Judeo-need to lie and obfuscate the truth. It would merely process the data and give an objective answer, but this wouldn't do for the Neo-Bolsheviks. They needed answers to be politically correct, not factually correct.

"Is that a Lizard man?" Detective Blackman questioned as we turned a corner.
I only caught a glimpse, but it looked like a Lizard man in a cloak, giving genetic samples to a Grey, who then handed Gnosis scrolls over to a member of the Qui Continuum.
I had heard rumours that it was the Lizard men at the very top, who played the Greys by offering them genetic material, who then passed on gnostic occult informaton to the Qui Continuum, who then gave money (paper) to the elite Satanic Cultist members (the Jewry), who then bought off the elite Goyim with paedo sex islands and money, who then controlled the ordinary people (the Goyim) with burgers.
There was so much to unpack, I couldn't believe it. How high up did this conspiracy go?


"Over here!" I said to Detective Blackman as I entered an empty propaganda lab to catch my breath.
I couldn't breathe, my head was spinning. Why didn't Jesus tell me about the Reptilians or the Greys? Maybe I just wasn't ready for the truth.
"I don't like this one bit!" Detective Blackman added.
I shook my head in disapproval at what I saw to try and regain my composure. There was a poster at the front of the lab to remind staff how to play the game of subversion. All those Jew York Times articles made so much sense now.


A computer monitor highlighted their mechanisms for getting rapefugees to come to White countries. One such image showed the billboards they were producing, using Goyim taxpayer money no doubt. They wanted us to pay for the rope that would be used to hang us.


I looked around and saw the British flag, and all the operations they were carrying out there. They were very efficient at targeting and subverting different countries with all sorts of strategies. The last piece of glue holding together Great Britain was the legal system, which is why they were creating a multi-tiered legal system based on race, and judeo-critical theory victimhood status. With the legal system eroded, the country would fall.
One such British report showed the Muslim Grooming Gang training protocol.


One section was just generic propaganda to constantly push on the Taldmudvision throughout the Western world, such as White man's burden. But what caught my eyes was the photos from space.
I couldn't believe the REAL photographs of earth they had. It wasn't those fake NASA photos. The earth was neither flat or a globe. It was a 616 sided polyhedron. Flat earth and globe earth were both lies to create division, and to write off truth seekers who knew the earth wasn't a globe as crazy.
Detective Blackman opened a metal covering, unveiling the view of the outside.
"Oh shit! We ain't in Kansas!"
Thick glass stood between us and space. Somehow this facility was orbiting the planet. I could feel the Talmudic influence on the polyhedron world suffocating it.

I felt so sick. I already knew it was all a lie, that all narratives were manufactured as a means of controlling context, but to see it with my own eyes!
What sort of group of people do that? What sort of people stoop so fucking low to subvert and parasite off others?
I was about to smash up the room in a fit of rage, but someone entered the lab.

"When life gives you Niggers, make Nigger aids" she said laughing, referring to one of the posters.
I looked at Detective Blackman, and we both joined in on the laughter. It was looking like we were going to have to kill her and stuff her in a filing closet before we were found out.
"Dr ....Shekelsberg and Dr ... Shekelstein" she said adjusting her glasses as she read the names on our lab coats.
"Oy vey!" Detective Blackman said.
"Potato!" I added, getting the role wrong.
"Yes... First day on the job huh? Well anyway you two are needed in Stimulus Response Manufacturing. Follow me, you are late!" she said tapping her watch.
"Lead the way Dr..." Detective Blackman asked, looking for a name on her lab coat, but she wasn't wearing one.
"Professor Goldshekel" she said adjusting her glasses, before turning around and flicking her hair.
We followed her through the complex, eyes on her Khazarian ass which curved pertly in form against her black skirt.

My eyes momentarily broke gaze from the hypnotic view of her bouncing butt.
"Simulacrum?" I said not knowing the meaning of the word.
I only caught a glimpse of what they were working on in the passing lab, but it looked like a video of me driving through people saying "IT'S GONNA BE A BUMPY ONE!"

Where they setting me up for something? Was I fiction? Was I real? What was going on?
Was I really Dr Shekelstein working with my good buddy Dr Shekelberg in a facility orbiting earth?
I didn't know what to think anymore, but I knew one thing...
I was late for my first day at work!

To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles
Chapter 8 Gods of Culture
Chapter 9 The Twin Towers
Chapter 10 Totalitarianism of Compassion
Chapter 11 Day of the Rope
Chapter 12 The Infantilization of Man

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